E-commerce explodes into holiday shipping season

Men roll big pallets into the illuminated cargo bay of a big airplane at night.

Peak season e-commerce sales, turbocharged by an accelerated shift to online buying as consumers shy away from crowded stores during a pandemic, are expected to hit all-time highs this year, putting additional pressure on express delivery networks.

Retail and logistics analysts say the unprecedented level of digital commerce has pulled forward 10 years of expected growth in the span of six months. 

The flood of new orders, especially early in the coronavirus crisis when so many stores were...


US Air Force could deploy freighters to fly truckloads of vaccine

A big gray U.S. Air Force cargo jet takes off. Military planes might be used to delivery COVID vaccines.

U.S. military aircraft will play a major role in emergency distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine because there aren’t enough private-sector cargo jets to handle the surge of millions of doses that must be maintained at subfreezing temperatures, according to a logistics expert with close ties to the government. 

On Wednesday, federal health officials released their COVID-19 vaccine distribution strategy and said they plan to start shipping supplies within 24 hours after the Food and Drug...


Amazon to blanket the ’burbs with lots of delivery stations

Amazon.com Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) is coming to a suburban enclave perhaps near you.

The Seattle-based e-tailer plans to open 1,000 parcel-delivery stations in suburban U.S. locations to support local fulfillment operations, according to a report Thursday on Bloomberg.com. The report said that Amazon’s goal is to reach 1,500 stations, The report did not provide a timetable for the rollout. Consultancy MWPVL International, which closely tracks Amazon’s physical distribution program, expects 450...
