Secretary of the Navy seeks to improve research in maritime accidents

Secretary of the Navy seeks to improve research in maritime accidents

The Secretariat of the Navy (Semar)reported that naval personnel participated in the “X American Forum of Maritime Accident Investigators” (AMAIF), along with elements from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, Panama, Peru and the Republic from the Marshall Islands, from August 10 to 12, in Lima, Peru.

Mexico presented the topic “Maritime Safety Investigation“, derived from the serious maritime accident consisting of the fire of the tanker “Waltz”, under the Panamanian...

The maritime incident in the Suez Canal did not damage Egypt’s image

The maritime incident in the Suez Canal did not damage Egypt's image

The blockade of the Suez Canal by a giant container ship caused alarm in international trade, but did not damage Egypt’s reputation, experts estimate.

On March 23, the container ship “Ever Given“, a 200,000-ton, 400-meter-long vessel, was stranded diagonally, blocking the channel through which 10% of international trade circulates for several days.

However, the fear that the blockade would last for several weeks proved unfounded.

On Monday, on the seventh day, the Panamanian-flagged vessel, owned...

Supply chains must prepare for maritime accidents

Supply chains must prepare for maritime accidents

The most recent event in the maritime sector that affected the supply chain was what happened in the Suez Canal by the Ever Given ship, from the Evergreenshipping company, affecting world trade, since it is estimated that 12% of the total trade.

But it is not the only situation that has been faced, according to CH Robinsonin recent months there has been a loss of just over 3,000 containers at sea, compared to 2018 and 2019 on average 1,382 containers were recorded based on the data from The...

He Creates An ‘App’ That Allows Ever Given To Run Aground In Any Corner Of The World (IMAGES)

Social networks did not wait and there immediately began to appear photographs of the cargo ship in the most unexpected places.

Last Sunday, user Garrett Dash Nelson released on Twitter an ‘app‘ entitled ‘Ever Given everywhere’ created by himself and that allows the now famous freighter to be placed in any corner of the world, either in the middle of a highway or on top of a mountain.

“Why should only the Suez Canal have all the fun?” Reads the headline of the app. “From the comfort of your home...

Terrifying moment at sea when a Cargo ship breaks in half (VIDEO)

The viral video, recorded near the Turkish port of Bartin, in the southwest of the Black Sea, became a trend on the main social networks.

For a few days, a viral video has been circulating on social networksthat shows us as if we were witnesses in site of the shocking moment when the Ukrainian cargo ship Arvin, which was shipwrecked off the coast of Turkey, was split in half. The terrifying image was published by the channel 7 on Ukrainian television and did not take long to unleash all kinds...

Search for missing person after boat crash continues (VIDEO)

In total 6 people were injured and one man disappeared.

These are the first images of the damage suffered by one of the boats after colliding with another boat Monday night near Bear Cut in Key Biscayne, a total of 6 people were injured and one man disappeared.

Pete Sánchez, City of Miami Fire Department Spokesperson, said:

 “Two women four men who are six plus the one who is missing is a man too.”

After the collision that occurred at 7:22 p.m., one of the boats capsized. Six people were rescued...

Fisherman dies after collision with environmental boat (PHOTOS)

Fisherman dies after collision with environmental boat

This news is brought to you by Anuncios Gratis Ciudad de Mexico  Anuncios Clasificados Gratis en Ciudad de Mexico

Members of the environmental organization Sea Shepherd, were collecting fishing nets from their boat, “Farley Mowatt”, when they were attacked by fishermen, who threw explosive devices at them from a Toledo boat.

When the organization’s ship was preparing to withdraw, one of the pangas broke off right in front of them and ended up crashing directly into the case of the old US Coast...

Process Begins To Rescue 4 Thousand Cars That Sank In The Ocean

Process Begins To Rescue 4 Thousand Cars That Sank In The Ocean

The unimaginable can happen.

After the MV Golden Ray cargo ship sank with around 4 thousand Hyundai cars in September last year, the lifting process began.

For this, the decision has been made to cut it into 8 parts to be able to extract the vehicles that are in the sea. These actions are being achieved through the use of a special tooling, which consists of a couple of floating platforms that incorporate cranes that manage to lift up to 7,500 tons.

The company in charge of the operation is T&T...

An Intoxicated Man Crashed A Boat Into A Small Port And A Boat In Florida (VIDEO)

A viral video shows how a man allegedly intoxicated crashes into several boats and a pier in Florida.

A viral videoshows the exact moment when a man from Florida, United States, crashes his boat into a small port, allegedly while intoxicated. Brendan Sheridan (32) was arrested after colliding with other stopped boats in the Bayfront Park area of ​​Sarasota.

The images show that the boat makes an abrupt stop and remains immobile for a few seconds while someone is heard saying that the person who...

New Theory Says That The Titanic Sank For This Unusual Reason

Meteorologist Mila Zinkova’s theory suggests that the compasses of the well-known ocean liner were slightly altered due to a solar storm.

We all know the story about the sinking of the Titanic, either from the movie in which Leonardo DiCaprio was the protagonist or from multiple references in popular culture. History tells us that it sank after hitting an iceberg, and there have been many theories that try to explain why this happened. However, one of these theories draws a lot of attention due...