Ferry Disaster in Tanzania Causing Numerous Deaths

At the moment 100 deaths are reported caused by the ferry accident.

A passenger ferry capsized on Lake Victoria in Tanzania, leaving at least 100 dead.

Mwanza Regional Commissioner John Mongella said 42 people were rescued in the accident last night.

The accident occurred at a distance of only 50 meters from the port.

Mongella added that they fear the increase in the number of deaths.

“I can not give an estimate on the number of passengers on board. At the moment we are focused on rescue work. ”



East Siberian Sea Most Dangerous for Arctic Shipping

The risk for ship accidents varies across different Arctic seas. The East Siberian Sea has been found to be most the dangerous.

The East Siberian Sea has been found to have the highest risk for ship collision, sinking of ships (foundering), and ships running aground, mostly because of more severe ice conditions, such as the earlier and quicker build-up of ice at the end of summer.

Winters are very cold in that area, with the mean temperature at -30 degrees C and the entire sea covered with ice....
