Malta in shore power agreement with Carnival Corporation

In a first in the Mediterranean cruise region, the Maltese Government has signed a power purchase agreement Carnival UK & P&O Cruises. Under Malta’s Shore-to-Ship power initiative, fully electric cruise berths at Valletta Cruise Port will allow cruise ships to reduce their carbon footprint by drawing power from the grid while in port. Now, through an agreement signed with Transport Malta, Carnival Corp cruise ships from across its brands will be able to connect to the shore power grid.

At a...

LNG bunkering: How to address the urgent needs safely

The role of LNG in the energy transition is increasing, especially in shipping, creating a critical need for expanded bunkering infrastructure. 

The surge in LNG-powered vessels is outpacing bunkering infrastructure development. Our latest article looks at the current market uptake of bunker vessels, important safety aspects when bunkering and why shore power is a promising measure to further reduce emissions from bunker vessels. 

Read now to learn all the details and more about the broad...

Centerline and EBDG partner to deploy CHAMP barges at ports

Centerline Logistics reports that it has formed an exclusive partnership with Elliott Bay Design Group that will see the two Seattle-based companies construct and deploy a series of barge-based clean power solutions for ports lacking conventional shore power infrastructure. The barge type used will be EBDG’s patent-pending Clean Harbor Alternative Mobile Power (CHAMP) barge. The innovative floating platform will be capable of reducing ship emissions by up to 93% while they are idling in port....

Op-Ed: PortMiami enhances growth and resilience with shore power

PortMiami’s electric shore power system is setting the new standard for industry sustainability; key for future developments at ports across the U.S.

By Mark Valenti, WSP Senior Vice President and Southeast Regional Maritime Leader

The cruise ship terminals at PortMiami are an iconic, highly visible feature of the downtown Miami skyscape.

Mark Valenti.

Unfortunately, the awe inspired by those magnificent ships while docked at one of the largest cargo and passenger ports in the U.S. is tempered by...

Carnival Conquest will be first ship to plug in to shore power at Port Miami

Shore power is arriving for ships docked at PortMiami, and yesterday Carnival Corporation announced that Carnival Conquest would be the first cruise ship to plug into landside electrical power at the cruise capital of the world.

Through an industry partnership between Miami-Dade County, Carnival Corporation & plc, MSC Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, Royal Caribbean Group, Virgin Voyages, and Florida Power & Light Company, PortMiami is the first major cruise port on the U.S. eastern...

ABS leads innovative BlueBARGE cold ironing project

BlueBARGE concept

ABS is leading the BlueBARGE Project. Funded by the Horizon Europe program, it involves 14 partners from 10 European countries and is developing and testing a new way for ships docked in port to plug into electrical power, known as cold ironing, rather than using their onboard generators.

Other BlueBARGE consortium members are: Fundación Valenciaport, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige Universitet; Hydrus Advanced Consolidated Engineering Services S.A; Aalborg Universitet; Elkon Elektrik Sanayi...