MSC Meline the First To Use GCT Deltaport Shore Power System

GCT Canada was proud to welcome the MSC Meline as the first vessel to use GCT Deltaport’s Shore Power system on November 14, 2019, says an article published in Global Container Terminals.

Usage of transformative technology 

Completed in early 2019, this transformative technology allows vessels to plug into clean electrical power grid at GCT Deltaport and turn off their auxiliary diesel engines while docked. 

This eliminates up to 95 tonnes of air pollutants per vessel, equivalent to removing 20...

World’s Largest Container Ship Docks at Greece’s Piraeus

  • COSCO Shipping Pisces with a 20,000 TEU docked at Greece’s Piraeus port.
  • Comprises of environmental-friendly features including shore-power system, ballast water management systems and low fuel and energy consumption.
  • The system allows one-man bridge operation, securing COSCO Shipping Pisces a spot in the new generation of “smart ships”.

On February 15, COSCO Shipping Pisces, one the world’s largest container ships with a capacity of 20,000 TEU, docked at Greece’s Piraeus port after sailing...