Regional Rail to acquire 2 Midwestern short lines

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Short-line operator Regional Rail, with support from its backer, infrastructure investment firm 3i,...

Short line tax credit could become permanent

A photograph of a railroad track in a field.

The U.S. freight rail industry is hopeful that a temporary federal incentive that encourages short line railroads to make capital investments will become permanent.

Within the $1.4 trillion fiscal year 2021 appropriations bill that Congress passed, there is a provision that would make permanent the short line tax credit. The credit, also known as the 45G tax credit in reference to the U.S. tax code, provides short lines with up to $3,500 per short line railroad mile to invest in infrastructure...

US DOT revamps loan program for short line railroads

A photograph of a train traveling next to a highway.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is expanding a loan program aimed at providing long-term, low-cost loans to short line and regional railroads.

The changes will expand the eligibility requirements for the Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Express program, or RRIF Express. The pilot loan program seeks to reduce the time and costs associated with securing loans for projects that aim to modernize aging freight and commuter rail infrastructure. 

“Expanding this financing...

OmniTRAX establishes audit committee to guide company’s growth plans

A photograph of a train carrying intermodal containers across a field. The sun is bright in the sky above the train.

Short line operator OmniTRAX is creating an audit committee to help steer its strategic growth plan, the company announced Tuesday.

The committee will consist of OmniTRAX board members, managers and members of the Broe family. OmniTRAX is an affiliate of the Broe Group, a Denver-based private equity firm.

The committee will provide financial reporting and analysis to help inform OmniTRAX’s growth strategy, the company said. 

Chairing the committee will be Mike Brothers, a founding OmniTRAX board...

Senators introduce bill on financing loans for rail infrastructure projects

A photograph of a train passing by an old wooden barn in the middle of a field.

Two U.S. senators last week introduced bipartisan legislation aimed at helping short line railroads and passenger railroads finance capital investment projects.

Republican Senator John Thune (South Dakota) and Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan (New Hampshire) introduced the Railroad Rehabilitation and Financing Innovation Act, which aims to bolster the existing railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing (RRIF) loan program.

The bill seeks to improve the existing program through three...

OmniTRAX’s Winchester and Western readies commercial development sites in West Virginia

A photograph of a train locomotive. There are trees behind the train.

OmniTRAX is seeking companies that would be interested in developing commercial facilities at six potential sites along the West Virginia branch of the Winchester & Western Railroad (WW).

OmniTRAX, a short line operator and affiliate of The Broe Group, worked with the Berkeley County Development Authority in West Virginia to identify sites that could be developed as rail-served manufacturing, food and beverage processing, and distribution facilities. The six initial sites are part of OmniTRAX’s r...

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