World’s first hydrogen-hybrid research vessel gains AIP

Seattle-based naval architecture and marine engineering firm Glosten has been awarded an Approval in Principle (AIP) by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) for the design of UC San Diego’s new hydrogen-hybrid research vessel, the Coastal-Class Research Vessel (CCRV). The CCRV will be operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography and feature an innovative propulsion system that utilizes hydrogen fuel cells for zero-emissions operation.

Glosten and the project’s electrical integrator, Siemens...

Siemens y LATAM compensan más de 4.000 toneladas de CO2 en proyectos de conservación en Sudamérica

En un esfuerzo conjunto por promover prácticas sostenibles en la industria de viajes corporativos, Siemens y LATAM Airlines Group anunciaron la compensación de 4.296 toneladas de CO2, lo que equivale a más de 64.000 árboles urbanos absorbiendo carbono durante 10 años. Esto a raíz de que Siemens...

Daimler Truck names new CFO from Siemens AG

The Supervisory Board of Daimler Truck AG has named Eva Scherer as its new chief financial officer and a member of the board of management following the death of former CFO Jochen Goetz from a reaction to a wasp sting in August.

Scherer was an executive vice president and global head of investor relations for German multinational technology conglomerate Siemens AG. She is the first female to lead finance and controlling at the leading German truck maker. Scherer begins work April 1 and has a...

Truck Tech: Who’s on first edition

Autonomous trucking is a far weightier topic than baseball, the subject of the famous “Who’s on first?” Abbott and Costello comedy classic. Determining the positions of truck makers and autonomous software developers might be more watchable than even rule-shortened games in the new MLB season.

Abbott and Costello and their famous comedy bit “Who’s on First?” (Image: YouTube)

Who really drives autonomous truck development?

After three stories and more than 3,000 words on TuSimple this week here, he...

Cummins posts record 2022 results as it integrates Meritor business

Cummins Inc. posted strong fourth-quarter results and it set records in several financial metrics in 2022 as the engine maker integrated billions of dollars of acquisitions including taking over Meritor Inc.

Revenue of $7.8 billion in the last three months of 2022 was 32.2% above Q4 of 2021. It topped analyst estimates by $590 million, according to investor site Seeking Alpha.

Not counting the Meritor business and related integration costs, net income for the quarter was $644 million, or $4.52...

¿Qué hay detrás de la moda de los electrolizadores para el hidrógeno verde? 

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Fabricar hidrógeno hoy en día es un negocio bastante sucio. Pero eso está cambiando a medida que más...

What’s behind the electrolyzer craze for green hydrogen?

Making hydrogen today is a pretty dirty business. But that is changing as more companies seek ways to decarbonize the economy. 

One increasingly popular approach is applying renewable energy sources to centuries-old electrolysis to split molecules of hydrogen — the most abundant element in the universe — from its bonds with oxygen.

An electrolyzer separates water into oxygen and hydrogen, effectively the opposite of a fuel cell, which uses water and electricity to separate hydrogen and oxygen,...

Maersk, SCZONE and Siemens Energy discuss green hydrogen projects

Representatives of SCZONE, Maersk Egypt and Siemens discussed the identification of the green hydrogen industry and its complementary industries.

During the meeting, the officials discussed the framework of the feasibility studies prepared by the companies in preparation for the signing of the final contracts at the cop27 summit, for the implementation of the pilot phases of the projects.

“SCZONE provides full support to the companies that have signed memoranda of understanding for the settlement...

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