Mounting Pressure on IMO for Slow Steaming Decision At MEPC

In a major development, countries have agreed on energy efficiency targets at the IMO meeting this week although big decisions on how to curb shipping emissions are once again deferred, reports the Business Green.

Climate Change Protests Ushering Up Problems?

A previous report by Alibra Shipping showed how emissions from shipping have come under fire once again thanks to the recent climate change protests in London and Sweden that have put further pressure on governments to take swift and...

Speed reduction up to 30% leads to net cost savings, study says

Öko-Institut e.V. published a study on the impact of slow steaming for different types of ships carrying bulk cargo. Mainly, speed reduction of up to -30% could result to net cost savings for shipping industry and states in the majority of cases.

Spefically, the following three categories account for the majority of shipping costs:

  1. Capital costs (i.e. the capital cost of purchasing or leasing vessels together with interest payments and depreciation);
  2. Operational costs (i.e. those incurred when a...

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