A Timeline Of The Maritime Industry’s Initiatives For The Wellbeing Of Seafarers

Since the start of the pandemic, crew wellness has topped the industry agenda with international shipping bodies, unions and associations vowing for a fairer treatment of seafarers, reports Safety4Sea.

What actions has the industry taken to resolve this humanitarian crisis?

While crews remain trapped on their ‘floating prisons’ for consecutive months in breach of MLC, and amid reports of increased anxiety or even suicides, the maritime sees the launch of several initiatives aimed to show it cares...


IEA’s Report States The Impact Of Reducing Methane Emissions

Reducing methane emissions from oil and gas operations is among the most cost-effective and impactful actions that governments can take to achieve global climate goals, said the International Energy Agency (IEA) in a new report, says an article published on Safety4Sea.


Although methane has a much shorter atmospheric lifetime than CO2 – around 12 years, compared with centuries for CO2 – it absorbs much more energy while in the atmosphere, so it is a potent greenhouse gas with important...


Guidelines On Improving Cyber Security for 2021

Every business and every individual can be subject to cyber threats. Cyber-crime is a massive business; hackers are very well-organized, and they put a lot of time and effort before launching a cyber-attack, says an article published on Safety4Sea.

A significant challenge

The last couple years, cyber security has become a significant challenge for the maritime industry as well. In this regard, IMO took the decision to embed cyber security into Safety Management Systems; not much time has left...


NTSB investigation: Collision after pilot falls asleep

NTSB issued an investigation report on the collision of the towing vessel Dixie Vandal with the moored towing vessel Trinity and Tow in Houston Ship Channel, in March 2019, identifying fatigue as key cause.

At 0408 local time on 15 March 2019, the towing vessel Dixie Vandal, pushing a partially loaded fuel barge upbound through the Houston Ship Channel, struck the towing vessel Trinity and one of its barges, which were moored and preparing to discharge cargo at the Kinder Morgan Pasadena Liquids...


Transport Malta investigation: Collision of LNG carrier and VLCC attributed to VHF communication

Transport Malta’s MSIU issued an investigation report on the collision of the Maltese-registered LNG carrier ‘ASEEM’ and the Hong Kong-registered VLCC ‘SHINYO OCEAN’ in the passage channel of the Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area, UAE, in March 2019.

The incident

During the night of 24 March 2019, MT Aseem was approaching the designated passage channel to the Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area, UAE., while MT Shinyo Ocean was proceeding outwards through the same passage channel.

Aseem established...


Russian freighter replaces entire crew after COVID-19 infection

Russian metals producer Nornicker reported on Tuesday that an engineer onboard one of its freighters, the Norilskiy Nickel, has tested positive for COVID-19; Therefore, the company disembarked the whole crew, sanitized the vessel and embarked a replacement crew.

Specifically, the company stated that the vessel was sailing from Murmansk to Dudinka along Russia’s Northern Sea Route, where it called in Arkhangelsk.

Arriving at the port, the engineer received notification that he had traveled in a...


Port of Oakland: Dockworker dies after falling from ship

A longshore worker fell to his death from the deck of a container ship while at berth at the US Port of Oakland, in the morning hours of March 31, 2020.

The Port expressed its condolences and said the fatal accident was under investigation by local authorities.

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union confirmed that the accident victim was one of its members.

This is a tragedy that strikes everyone very deeply. The waterfront is a tightly knit community and if a member of that community...


Lessons learned: Grounding and collision in busy anchorage

In its Monthly Safety Scenario for April, the Swedish Club describes a case of collision after grounding in a busy anchorage area. When changing the arrival time to the pilot station, the Master altered the plans, increasing speed, and took a shortcut through an anchorage.

The incident

It was evening with good visibility and vessel A was approaching port.

The Master had received orders to arrive at the pilot station at 20:40, which was one hour earlier than previously planned. To make the new ETA,...


South Africa: Ports remain open despite lockdown

Following official consultations, South Africa’s Department of Transport has announced relaxation of some of the strict restrictions on maritime sector activities brought in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly around the country’s ports.

In a new Marine Notice issued in Ptetoria on Tuesday, SAMSA announced the revised measures, which aim at alleviating pressure on particularly trade goods movement and handling, as well as personnel such as ships crews.

In particular, the Marine Notice...


ILO: Seafarers should be treated with dignity and respect amid COVID-19

In light of the challenging situations arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Labour Organization (ILO) issued a joint statement highlighting that seafarers should be exempted from travel restrictions and be treated as “key workers”.

Specifically, the joint statement launched by the Officers of the Special Tripartite Committee of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006)  also called on ILO member States to do all that they can to facilitate the delivery of essential medical...
