GSCW chat: Using data, collaboration to decarbonize logistics

Experts chat about how data and collaboration can help reduce logistics emissions.

This fireside chat recap is from Day 5 of FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Data and collaboration can decarbonize logistics.

DETAILS: Tyler Cole, director of carbon intelligence at FreightWaves, chats with Rik Arends about trends in freight decarbonization. Smart Freight Centre (SFC) is a nongovernmental organization dedicated to accelerating zero-emission freight through training, collaboration and industry guidance initiatives globally.

SPEAKER: Arends is the program...

Does emissions intensity matter?

AskWaves dives into the importance of emissions intensity.

There is a lot of focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the freight and supply chain industry. But how does a company reduce its overall emissions if its freight volume increases?

Emissions intensity, or carbon intensity, is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the amount of GHG emissions per unit of business activity. 

In the freight industry, it’s generally calculated by dividing a company’s overall emissions by the amount of goods transported and the distance they are moved....

Help on hand for those struggling with logistics emission date reporting

Help is at hand for companies struggling to understand, and report accurately on, their logistics emissions.
Smart Freight Centre, which helped develop the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC)  framework, is now offering a validation service which checks companies’ logistics emission calculations and reporting.
The service will examine the credibility and completeness of the data and check that methodology and reporting is in line with the GLEC declaration.
“Many companies want to reliably...

IKEA’s sustainable leadership story: cutting emissions by 70% per shipment

Any freight and logistics company that thinks it can put environmental concerns on the backburner needs to think again. Because customers are putting the environment at the top of their lists. Smart Freight Centre is showcasing the strategies of some major shippers, leading the way on how to work towards carbon neutrality. It’s IKEA this time. “Our long term ambition is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% per shipment …

The post IKEA’s sustainable leadership story: cutting emissions by 70%...

Climate change: why bother?

Smart Freight Centre, a partner of The Loadstar, has published a simple, clear blog on why companies should care about climate change; it includes their legal responsibilities and a roadmap to get started. It also outlines what could happen if companies fail to address their environmental responsibilities. The ramifications can be significant, from lack of customer loyalty to difficulties in recruitment, as well as challenges in gaining financial support for …

The post Climate change: why bother?

The Loadstar teams up with Smart Freight Centre to help cut emissions in supply chains

The Loadstar has become the first media partner of the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC), with the aim of helping freight organisations and their customers put climate commitments into practice.
Managed by global non-profit organisation Smart Freight Centre, GLEC is a voluntary partnership with more than 150 companies, associations, programmes and experts – and now media.
Smart Freight Centre was set up to drive emission reduction and enhance efficiency across global logistics supply …


Sea Cargo Charter To Assess Climate Alignment of Shipping Activities

  • Some of the biggest names in chartering have vowed to make the details of their shipping carbon footprint public in a potentially enormous shake-up for sea transportation.
  • International non-profit organization, Global Maritime Forum, announces a climate alignment with regard to shipping aspects.
  • A group of the world’s largest energy, agriculture, mining, and commodity trading companies will assess and disclose the climate alignment of their shipping activities.
Sea Cargo Charter 

The brand new...

Operators hiding transport emissions are delaying a ‘greener’ transport industry

Insufficient numbers of transport operators are disclosing their emissions, slowing down the process of ‘greening’ the industry.
Less than 20% of global freight emissions are reported, the majority of those by airlines, while road freight is barely touched on, according a new white paper by Smart Freight Centre and CDP.
Freight transport accounts for about 8% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and 11% of logistics sites, such as warehouses and ports, …

The post Operators hiding transport...

Customers must play their part to create greener supply chains

Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in the logistics sector will only succeed if customers play their part.
Following an announcement this week by Kuehne + Nagel (K+N) of carbon-neutral services for less-than-containerload (LCL) shipments, The Loadstar spoke to Sophie Punte, executive director of Smart Freight Centre, about the offering.
“It’s always good news to see new services such as this.  If a customer wants to reduce GHGs and considers (as it …

The post Customers must...

New guide to help shippers lower transport emissions at procurement stage

Shippers have been offered a “toolbox” to help them gauge and reduce transport emissions in the freight procurement stage – sending “a message” to the transport industry. 
Smart Freight Centre and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have released guidelines to help freight buyers reduce the greenhouse gas emissions  in their supply chains. 
Transporting goods around the world generates 8% of global CO2, but most shippers depend on their freight transport providers to …