First SAFETY4SEA Manila Forum focuses on key shipping workforce challenges

The inaugural SAFETY4SEA Manila Forum was successfully concluded on Tuesday 12th of November 2019 at New World Manila Bay Hotel, Philippines, attracting 350 delegates from 120 organizations.

The event was organized by SAFETY4SEA having as sponsors the following organizations: Magsaysay People, Manila Shipmanagement & Manning, Inc. (“MANSHIP”), Manship Maritime Training Center, Inc. (MMTC), RINA Academy Philippines, RISK4SEA, SQEMARINE, SQE ACADEMY, and Standard Club and Trafalgar Navigation....

ECSA launches Maritime Growth Plan for sustainable maritime jobs

ECSA launched an ambitious Maritime Growth plan for “Sustainable Maritime Jobs, Growth and Competitiveness”, aiming to ensure a thriving EU shipping industry, a strong skills base and the development of a world-class maritime cluster.

The Maritime Growth Plan, launched at an event on 29 October in Brussels, is expected to act as a strategic framework providing a holistic and common EU vision for actions to be taken at EU, national and local levels.

Shipping directly employs over 640,000 workers...

Experts’ thoughts: How shipping may attract young generation

Automation, soft skills and CSR are said to be three key focus areas for industry’s workforce, as shipping accelerates its path towards the smart era and a more sustainable future.

Notably, automation will incur a fundamental transformation in the way seafarers work, replacing partly the human element and having an impact on the skills operators will be looking for. Nevertheless, a significant gap in such soft skills can be expected in the future, relating to the loss of productivity and...

SafeMetrix Conference sheds light on soft skills in the maritime industry

More than 100 industry professionals came together on Friday, October 4th to attend “The Rise of Soft Skills” Conference. The event was organised by SafeMetrix, a product line of Safebridge and together with Youngship Cyprus, addressed the increasing importance of soft skills in the maritime industry.

The Conference’s agenda featured highly esteemed speakers; Shipping Deputy Minister Ms Natasa Pilides, a world-renowned speaker, author and trainer Michael R. Virardi and the product manager of...

Building Resilience: Taking Decisive Action

Making decisions is a part of life; either at work place or home, during socializing and adverse situations, all individuals, either consciously or subconsciously, are asked to take decisions. These could be personal or professional, important, radical or with minimum effect to our daily life.

Nonetheless, in every situation, our decisions may have lasting consequences, affecting ourselves and others in the short and long term. In this context, an effective decision making process can help us...

10 ways to build resilience

Resilience may be defined as the ability to bounce back from a negative experience with “competent functioning”; in other words to become strong, healthy or successful again after a failure. The approach allows a person to recover from adversity and engage in life with hope and humor despite devastating losses on his/her path.

Studies have identified several factors to develop and sustain a person’s resilience. Above all, having a positive view of one’s self is an important mindset that helps a...

Preventing offensive or hurtful behavior into the maritime workplace

During the 2019 Hellenic American Maritime Forum in Athens, Capt. Apostolos Skempes, Training Manager, Arcadia Shipmanagement Co. Ltd., outlined ways to prevent offensive or hurtful behavior into the maritime workplace. As he stated, if unwanted behavior is left unchallenged it could lead to stress, lack of motivation and reduced work performance.

Enhanced safety culture leads to a safer and better working maritime environment, where offensive or hurtful behaviors are excluded.

What we want:


Watch: Career advice for female leaders in shipping

In line with IMO’s World Maritime Day theme for 2019 ‘Empowering Women in the Maritime Community’, ABS issued a video depicting few of the organization’s female leaders discussing career advice for women pursuing a career in the maritime industry.

Women in leadership positions remains a hot issue across all business sectors, and maritime included. Of 6,500 engine officers at sea currently, only 1% are estimated to be female. According to HR Consulting, over 76% of the women’s workforce operated...

8 Key focus areas for an inspirational leader

In the past both management and leadership were very much about processes or policies. However, these terms are evolving as long as humans continue to do so. That therefore means that the way leaders behave is changing as well. For the shipping industry to attract and build leaders there are some items that will need to get addressed in year 2019 such as attracting the right talents, genuinely invest in people, get along with digital developments but also formulate specific traits over time...

Watch: Skills development vital for green transition

The video, issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO), attempts to explain how skills development measures are instrumental in reaping the benefits of potential job creation in new green economic activities and in addressing the social challenges in shifting to more sustainable models of energy generation, production and consumption across sectors.

Technological change, globalization, demographic trends and climate change will significantly shape skill needs for new and current jobs...