Pacific Islands To Levy Ships for this Reason

  • The shipping community has called for a $5bn IMO shipping decarbonization R&D effort.
  • It is to be funded by a $2 per ton tax on marine fuels.
  • However, the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands are also calling for a tax on the emissions that those fuels generate.

A recent news article published in the Insurance Marine News reveals that Pacific islands propose levy on ships’ GHG emissions.

The two island states

The relevant governments of the two island states have submitted a proposal to...

$100 per tonne emissions levy put forward by the Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands

Upping the stakes ahead of this year’s crunch Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) meeting at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands have put forward a proposal to establish a universal, mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) levy with an entry...

Bulk Carrier Accused of Causing A 1,000 tonnes Oil Spill

  • Government alleges bulk carrier discharged heavy fuel oil into the sea off Santa Cruz Island.
  • Initial assessment of the spill indicated that around 1,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil had been dumped.

A bulk carrier ship has deliberately dumped about 1,000 tonnes of oil into the sea off the coast of the Solomon Islands, reports the Guardian citing government allegations.

Deliberate fuel dumping 

The 1991-built, Panama-flagged Quebec stands accused of deliberately dumping fuel into the sea.

The 28,451...

22 months on, locals still wait for $40m payout from the Solomon Trader disaster

Economic losses from the bunker spill from last year’s most high profile dry bulk casualty, the , could be as high as $40m, according to a confidential report compiled for the Solomon Islands government, seen by the the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), with locals still not receiving any...

Mining Ship Pollutes UNESCO Heritage Site, Second Time in 6 Months

A major bauxite spill has turned water red at Rennell Island in the Solomon Islands

An estimated 5,000 tonnes of bauxite has spilled into Kangava Bay, where a tanker ran aground in February, reports the Guardian

A major bauxite spill has turned water red at Rennell Island in the Solomon Islands. 
Second Spillage Turning the Water Red

A second major spill has hit the pristine Solomon Islands bay where a bulk carrier ran aground on a coral reef and leaked oil earlier this year.

On Monday, an estimated 5,000 tonnes of bauxite, the ore used in aluminium smelting, slipped into the...