Foreship To Embrace Scrubber Technology

Expectations are high that exhaust gas scrubber technology demand will soon be resurgent. But what lessons have been learned from installations and which type will dominate, analyzes an Ship & Bunker article.

Scrubber systems on ships

Installing scrubber systems on ships that were never envisaged to have them on board has brought well documented challenges for older tonnage, with accurate drawings and documents sometimes hard to source. Where class documentation is concerned, meanwhile, different...

Yara Installs First Inline Hybrid Scrubber for 80MW ULCC Engine

  • Yara installed the world’s highest capacity inline hybrid scrubber aboard an ULCC fitted with an 80MW capacity two-stroke engine.
  • The inline hybrid scrubber system also covers the exhaust from the ULCC’s 5 x 5MW auxiliary engines.
  • The main engine scrubber designed without a bypass arrangement, is only possible for inline scrubber installations.
  • The second scrubber dedicated to treating the gensets’ exhaust does a bypass arrangement, as at least one genset will always be on-line.
  • The project is...

[Answer] What’s Inside a Wet Scrubbers System?

Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems or Scrubbers have become a formidable necessity in the new maritime industry, especially as we are fast approaching the IMO 2020 sulphur cap regulations. But do we really know what are the components of this system and how it functions?

We are answering that in today’s challenge corner. So, here’s how a SOx scrubber looks like.

SOx Scrubbers Design

There are several different designs of SOx scrubbers that remove sulfur oxides from the exhaust gases of vessel engines...