New Zealand ferry company fined NZ $380,000 following grounding

A New Zealand ferry company was fined with the amount of NZ $380,000 because the company’s ferry “City Cat” grounded on April 2017; The fine was also issued because the company failed to ensure the safety of the passengers’ and other sea users.

The  East by West Company Limited’s vessel grounded on rocks near Karaka Bay, New Zealand, in April 2017.

An additional research revealed that City Cat had been usually passing the safe speed limits close to land, but unfortunately they kept avoiding the...

Speed Reduction Of Ships – A Responsible And Exemplary Shipping Initiative


France, a few months ago, and more recently the BIMCO (Baltic and International Maritime Conference), the oldest and largest maritime association in the world) have proposed to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) measures to reduce the speed or power of ships.

The Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group welcomes this important step towards sustainable shipping, aware of its emissions of atmospheric pollutants and eager to reduce them.

Indeed, our group has been at the forefront of environmental...

BIMCO proposes limiting vessels’ power for less shipping emissions

BIMCO submitted a proposal to the IMO that aims to help curb emissions by regulating ships’ power, rather than focusing on raw speed limits, and presents a way to cut emissions based on the average performance of each ship type trading at target operational speeds for the past three years.

Recently, BIMCO’s Deputy Secretary General, Lars Robert Pedersen commented on the hard part of measuring a vessel’s speed, presenting four options of measuring the vessels’ speed, out of which one is the the...

Bimco brings new proposal to shipping emissions debate

Shipping association Bimco has submitted a new proposal on regulating ships’ power to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) working group.
The move is a bid to stimulate debate on reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from shipping .
The proposal to improve the operational energy efficiency of vessels will be introduced at the next IMO intersessional meeting on reducing GHG emissions from ships, in London this month.
A French-led delegation to the IMO has …

The post Bimco brings new...

French President has the limit of ships’ speed as a priority

During the G7 summit in Biarritz, the French President Emmanuel Macron suggested that reducing ships’ speed would be one way to decrease maritime transport’s carbon emissions footprint. This is a proposal that Greece has supported as well.

Emmanuel Macron believes that reducing speed would be ‘one of the most efficient ways of reducing emissions’. For this reason France recommended using this measure, in IMO during April.

In addition, cutting speed would also limit sound pollution, thus reducing...

Canada fines vessel for breaching speed restriction in Gulf of St. Lawrence

The Government of Canada has introduced several measures to address the risks endangered whales face from both marine and fishing activity. For this reason, Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, announced that the department has fined a vessel for alleged non-compliance of a temporary mandatory speed restriction.

One of the implemented measures to protect whales includes speed restrictions in certain zones in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and when a ship breaches the restriction, Canada takes swift...

Ship Supply Dwindles, Carriers Up for Long Charters Ahead of 2020

According to an article published in the Loadstar, non-operating containership owners Seaspan and Danaos have reported “positive supply side-effects” from the IMO’s 0.5% sulphur cap on vessels, coming into force next January.

Tightening of Boxship Supply?

Indeed, a zero orderbook for container tonnage under 10,000 teu, combined with more ships being taken out of service for scrubber installation, has resulted in a significant tightening of supply in the boxship charter market.

Speed Reductions &...

Canada fines ship for breaching speed restriction in Gulf of St. Lawrence

The Government of Canada has introduced several measures to address risks endangered whales face by marine shipping and fishing activity. For this reason, Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, fined one vessel $6000 alleged non-compliance of a temporary mandatory speed restriction.

In order to protect whales, Canada has established speed restrictions in certain zones in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. When a ship violates the restriction, the Government of Canada takes swift action. As a result, Marc...

How speed reduction can contribute to emissions reduction: Defining terms and measures on the table

In an exclusive interview with SAFETY4SEA, Dr. Harilaos Psaraftis, Professor at the Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Management Science Division of Technical University of Denmark (DTU), clarifies the difference between the terms “speed optimization” and “speed reduction” and how speed reduction can lead to GHG emissions reductions. In his latest paper, Dr. Psaraftis attempts to tackle with the speed limit debate while he notes that this measure was neither adopted nor...

Canada announces additional measures to protect North Atlantic right whale

As part of its efforts to protect North Atlantic right whales that inhabit its territorial waters, Canada announced further measures to protect these iconic creatures, to be in effect from 9 July. These additional measures include slowing down more ships in areas, increasing the zones in which speed restrictions will apply, increasing aerial surveillance, and funding for initiatives to enhance marine mammal response.

Although the Government of Canada has introduced several measures to protect...