VIDEO: Final Golden Ray section leaves St. Simons Sound

More than two years after the capsize of the car carrier Golden Rayon September 8, 2019, the final section of its dismantled wreck has now been removed from St. Simons Sound, Ga.

Video released by the St. Simons Sound Incident Response shows wreck removal personnel stowing the final section of the wreck and transporting it to a local facility for partial dismantling. Once partially dismantled, the wreck section pieces will be transloaded to container barges and shipped to a recycling facility...

Golden Ray responders deal with impact of wreck fire

Following the recent fire in the interior of the Golden Ray wreck, St. Simons Sound Incident Response engineers have been continuing damage assessments of both the wreck itself and the equipment being used to cut it into sections and remove it.

Naval architects and response engineers are assessing the structure of the remaining wreck and the custom-fabricated lifting structures welded to its top. Meantime, wreck removal personnel continue to assess, repair and replace equipment on the VB-10000...

Golden Ray: Section seven separated from wreck

The St. Simons Sound Response team reports that cutting operations to separate Section Seven of the wreck of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray concluded earlier today (April 24).

[St. Simons Sound Incident Response photo.]

Wreck removal personnel will prepare the section for lifting operations by removing vehicles, moveable decks and sediment, similarly to previous weight-shedding operations.

Once lifted, Section Seven will be loaded onto a barge and secured for transit to a facility at the...

VIDEO: Golden Ray responders well into second cut

The St. Simons Sound Incident response team is now well into the cut that will separate the stern section of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray. Meantime, the bow section of the wreck, which was successfully lifted off the vessel at the end of November, was yesterday reported as nearing a Louisiana recycling facility aboard the barge Julie B.

The wreck is being cut into eight sections, using a chain manipulated by the giant catamaran heavy lift vessel VB-10000. The now removed bow was...