El fondo Puertos 4.0 arranca con 25 millones para proyectos innovadores

Puertos del Estado ha presentado en el puerto de València el fondo Puertos 4.0, un nuevo fondo de compensación interportuario dirigido a incorporar la “innovación disruptiva” como elemento de competitividad en el sector logístico-portuario español tanto público como privado. Este nuevo fondo fue creado en marzo de 2018 y está dotado con unos 25 millones de euros. Esta cantidad se corresponde con el 1% del flujo de caja recurrente anual de cada autoridad portuaria y se establece un período...


Maersk start to enjoy startups’ solutions

AP Moeller Maersk said on Thursday (March 14) its first cohort of seven Indian startups have graduated from its accelerator program OceanPro.

Zasti, Inatrix, MintM, KrypC, LinkedDots, LaVela Pictures and Zasti are the seven startups, which are focused on using machine learning, AI, VR and Internet of Things (IoT) to overcome and solve difficulties and problems in logistics and shipping sector.

Maersk has already signed a contract with LinkedDots for take advantage of its solution to track...


El puerto de Santander promueve la creación de startups en el sector portuario

La Autoridad Portuaria de Santander ha acogido este viernes un encuentro con empresas tecnológicas para promover la gestación de un “ecosistema de innovación y emprendimiento” que aporte e implemente ideas y proyectos innovadores para el sector logístico-portuario.

El objetivo se enmarca en el programa Puertos 4.0, desarrollado por Puertos del Estado, que incluye la creación de un fondo que tiene como finalidad impulsar el emprendimiento para la innovación en el sector portuario. El programa,...


Nicklas Viby Fursund, Partner & MD at Rainmaking Transport


Pier47 is an office building located on the Langelinie Pier in Copenhagen, where Rainmaking Transport is creating a space for maritime start-ups. It’s beautifully located at the quayside, but the most beautiful things are inside, it’s the corporates’ digital setups that have been given the freedom to work outside the traditional organisation chart – and the maritime start-ups where the sky is the limit of what they are going to achieve.

Meet Nicklas Viby Fursund, Partner & MD at Rainmaking...


Maersk launches “OceanPro” to support startups

World’s largest container shipping company based out of Denmark, Maersk, has announced the launch of ‘OceanPro’, a tech accelerator programme in Bengaluru to support Indian startups in supply chain solutions space by offering them to partner with Maersk to bring innovative technology solutions to ease global supply chain for customers.

The India-focused OceanPro is an intensive 120-day accelerator programme offering startups the opportunity to partner with Maersk to bring innovative technology...


Maersk is Looking for AgriFood Startups

Maersk is Looking for AgriFood Startups Combatting Food Loss in Wake of Two Investments

Maersk, the end-to-end transport and logistics company and the biggest food transporter in the world, is currently accepting applications from agrifood tech startups for the second edition of its equity-free venture program, FoodTrack by Maersk. The focal point of the program is to identify startups with solutions to tackle food loss and improve efficiency across food value chains for a potential investment...
