Steel Knight Exercise Tests Marine, Navy Integration in ‘Island Fight’ Scenario 

U.S. Marines with Bravo Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, jump from a U.S. Army MH-47 Chinook helicopter with 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment during helocast training as part of Steel Knight 23 off the coast of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, Dec. 2, 2022. US Marine Corps Photo

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. – A pair of helicopter gunships swept over a scrubby valley and waited overhead as the first two MV-22B Osprey tiltrotors landed on the dusty...

Marines Put Next-Generation MUOS SATCOM to the Test in Expansive Exercise

U.S. Marines with the 7th Marine Regiment commanding officer’s jump prepare for the start of the day during Steel Knight 20 (SK20) at Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California on Dec. 11, 2019. US Marine Corps Photo

SAN DIEGO, Calif. – When a division of Marines deployed across a wide swath of the Southwest during a recent live-fire field exercise, the Navy’s new satellite communication system helped close a command and control gap that’s often-vexed commanders and...