SCZONE Signs Concession Contract To Upgrade Terminal

Credits: Oleksandr Kalinichenko/

The General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) has signed a concession contract for the upgrade of Container Terminal No. 2, in East Port Said Port, to the Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT), reports APM Terminals.

Concession contract for the upgrade of Container Terminal No. 2

APM Terminals is the majority shareholder and operator of SCCT. The contract includes financing, design, development, management, operation, maintenance,...

Second terminal planned in Port Said

General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) and Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT) have unveiled their plans to design and operate a second terminal at Port Said East Port.

The terminal will be installed between SCZONE and the existing SCCT area.

The targeted additional volume after the expansion will reach 2 million TEUs, according to Steven Yoogalingam, CEO and managing director of SCCT.

During the COP27 event, which took place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Waleid Gamal El-Dein,...

Suez Canal box terminal investments to boost productivity

APM Terminals has announced that a series of investments initiated in 2020 aimed at equipment and capacity upgrades at the Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT), together with a strong partnership with the Government of Egypt, Suez Canal Economic Zone (SC Zone), sets the foundation for further future growth.

The US$60 million investment consists of projects focusing on productivity and customer experience enhancement, with the most complex of them being the heightening of six ship-to-shore (STS)...

Faster access to SCCT via new tunnel lowers logistics costs

The opening of the new 3rd July tunnel, also referred to as Port Said tunnel, under the Suez Canal just south of Port Said last week is an important piece of the jigsaw required to position the Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT) as Egypt’s primary gateway terminal.

Construction of the twin-tubed, 4-lane road tunnel began in 2017. Its inauguration follows the opening of the Ismailia tunnel earlier this year and the 30th June Axis road, a 10-lane highway with 2+2 dedicated lanes for trucks.


SSCT unveils reefer repair hub expansion plan

The Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT), strategically located at the mouth of the Suez Canal in Egypt, has announced its intention to open its reefer container inspection and repair hub to all brands. The terminal will also launch a dry container inspection and repair hub in October 2019. 

Until just over a year ago, the terminal faced unnecessary costs for moving and repositioning reefer containers with damaged panels or defects that hadn’t been recorded. Since it opened its reefer container...

Suez Canal Container terminal to become a major player again

APM Terminals is working closely with the government of Egypt on the final pieces of the jigsaw that will ensure the success of Egypt Vision 2030 for Port Said East Port and the Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT). Once in place, it is set to regain its position as one of the most competitive ports in the South and East Mediterranean region.

As part of Egypt Vision 2030, the Egyptian Government has made massive investments in infrastructure. On May 5, 2019, Egypt’s President, Mr. Abdel Fattah...

Improved efficiency of yard system at SCCT

Fine tuning the Navis N4 Expert Decking Module, the system which automates yard planning, has resulted in major efficiencies in yard and quay operations at APM Terminals’ Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT). 

The system is used to automate planning by distributing containers throughout the yard based on predefined rules. Typically yard planning is extremely time-consuming, costly and inaccurate. The Navis system aims to optimise the storage of containers in the most efficient manner, leaving...

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