China-Vietnam sourcing shift enters phase two, bringing more box congestion

The manufacturing shift from China to Vietnam is moving up a gear, putting pressure on the country’s container supply chains.
With 2.4% GDP growth forecast by the IMF, Vietnam is on track to become one of the fastest growing economies in the world in 2020, as many others fall into lockdown-induced recessions.
For example, Singapore and Malaysia look set to suffer deep economic slumps, which would see Vietnam overtake the pair to …

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‘Bullwhip effect’ may feature in the post-coronavirus logistics ‘new normal’

Supply chains will be different in the wake of Covid-19: the preference will be for more resilience and flexibility, according to a new white paper.
While many lessons have already been learned, businesses are starting to work out how supply chains will need to alter, said Richard Wilding, professor of Supply Chain Strategy at Cranfield University, who co-authored the paper with DHL.
As the crisis was not driven by supply chain collapse, …

The post ‘Bullwhip effect’ may feature in the...

Happy birthday radar: Premium – It’s only just begun…

It’s our birthday today at Premium – our first birthday, already!
Thank you, thank you, thank you all!
In a nutshell, we have learnt lessons. We have sometimes been right, sometimes been wrong, but as The Loadstar publisher, Alex Lennane, put it to me today:
“Premium has gone from strength to strength in its first year. While not always liking what they read, the major logistics companies recognise that its unique blend of …

The post Happy birthday radar: Premium – It’s only just begun… appeared...