Alfa Laval Acquires Scanjet

Alfa Laval has acquired Scanjet, a global supplier of tank cleaning equipment and solutions for marine, offshore and industrial applications, reads an official release.

Extending broad tanker offering

Alfa Laval said the acquisition will extend its broad tanker offering, creating a more comprehensive product portfolio for cargo tanks.

Scanjet’s intelligent tank management offerings will be a valuable complement to Alfa Laval’s sustainable marine offering as they reduce the water usage and energy...

Alfa Laval Expands Its Offering For Tankers By Acquiring Tank Cleaning Leader Scanjet

Alfa Laval collaborates with Scanjet

Alfa Laval has signed an agreement to acquire Scanjet, a leading supplier of marine tank cleaning equipment. The deal adds Scanjet’s intelligent tank management solutions to Alfa Laval’s already broad tanker offering, creating a complete portfolio for cargo tank needs.

A half-century of tank cleaning expertise
Scanjet is today’s leader in tank cleaning and possesses more than 50 years of experience. Through customer-driven product development, the company has expanded from fixed and portable...

Preparing Fuel Tanks for VLSFO

Viswa Lab, in its recent technical update answers the question as how to prepare the tanks which contained high sulfur fuel so that they can receive VLSFO fuels with 0.50 % wt sulfur. 

Sulfur content in VLSFO fuels should not exceed 0.50 % wt. Most ships currently use HSFO which can contain sulfur up to 3.50 % wt. 

How to prepare the tanks for VLSFO fuels?

The expensive way to do it is to manually clean the tank. This is not necessary. There are at least two other ways to carry this out. 

Use of...

Live Issues Predicted Over 2020 Transition

According to BIMCO’s latest publication on their website, Tiejha Smyth deputy director in the Freight, Demurrage and Defence (FD&D) department of the North of England P&I Club says, the industry will see the first “live issues” between charterers and ship owners over the switch to low-sulphur fuel in the last quarter of 2019.

Help and support

Tiejha Smyth predicts that the industry will see operational and logistical issues that end up with significant impact on charter parties and commercial...

Shipping Ready With A Combination of Deals To Make IMO 2020 Viable

Ahead of the S&P Global Platts Asia Pacific Petroleum Conference (APPEC 2019), Insight presents a series of articles exploring aspects of the global trade in crude oil and refined productsI. Surabhi Sahu, the Senior Editor of Platte wrote this article focusing on the shipping sector’s final push to prepare for the International Maritime Organization’s 2020 deadline imposing lower sulfur limits for fuel.

Delaying Not To Help

Benjamin Franklin once said: “You may delay, but time will not.” This is...

Lessons learned: Crew fatality during tank cleaning

Transport Malta’s Marine Safety Investigation Unit (MSIU) issued an investigation report on the fatality of two crew members onboard the Maltese-registered chemical tanker ‘Key Fighter‘ in September 2018. The two crew men fell from a height which led to fatal injuries. It was not excluded that the cause of death could have been either H2S gas intoxication or suffocation due to lack of O2.

The incident

On 31 August 2018, Key Fighter berthed alongside Crude Passion at Averøy, Norway, where it...

The Right Questions Ahead of IMO 2020

Shipowners should challenge fuel suppliers and reinforce their own fuel-management practices to safeguard sulphur compliance, reports Riviera Maritime Media.

What am I putting into my engines?

ExxonMobil marine fuels venture manager Luca Volta says, “Know your fuel – that is the key to a successful 2020.”

Thankfully, he says, the industry has never been more eager to learn exactly what they are putting into their engines.

ExxonMobil insights

The company has been speaking to customers for the past...

Will IMO2020 Benefit U.S Oil Refiners?

  • Ship Implementation Plan is required for IMO 2020 compliance.
  • Tank cleaning and fuel oil changeover are complex activities.
  • Ship owners turn tanks in 3Q and 4Q 2019.
  • Complex refiners such as Valero will begin to benefit in 2019.

An article in Seeking Alpha reports how the U.S oil refiners will be benefited from IMO 2020.

IMO 2020 Recommendations

From January 1, 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will limit the sulfur in fuel oil used on board ships operating outside designated...

Grace Period After IMO 2020 Implementation?

Talks regarding a period of “permitted noncompliance” following the 1 January 2020 implementation is getting stronger, reports The LoadStar.

Need a grace period?

The growing safety concerns around the IMO’s 0.5% sulphur cap on marine fuels, has led to talk of a period of “permitted noncompliance” following the 1 January implementation.

Increased rates and availability issues

Indonesia announced that it will continue to allow its flag-state vessels to burn 3.5% sulphur content fuel within its...

[Answer] How To Clean Your Tank According To MARPOL Annex VI?

As we gather momentum towards the IMO 2020 deadlines, several issues need to be fully understood by the shipping community. One such issue is proper cleaning of engine tanks as per the guidelines prescribed by MARPOL Annex VI. Without a proper cleaning system in place, our tanks are at risk from fuel residue damages. Keeping that in mind, an article published in Skuld has highlighted a useful tank cleaning guidelines.

Here’s an excerpt from that article.

Why is it necessary?

Now, before we start...