Shipping Sector Exceed Expectations Amid Pandemic Uncertainties

  • Shipping was most at risk from a global pandemic, but many companies have reported earnings either above year-ago figures in 2020.
  • As the year nears its close and optimism grows that the virus can be brought under control, there are factors that may make 2021 even more challenging.

As shipping companies prepare to release their third-quarter results, there are very few alarm bells ringing that the industry is suffering any great adverse impact from the coronavirus pandemic, reports the Llyod’s...

High Profile Fixtures & Low Africa Charters Lead To Tanker Earning Collapse

Rates for the largest crude tankers have tumbled, snapping a run of stratospheric gains over the past three weeks as some of the highest-profile fixtures failed for vessels chartered at rates exceeding $300,000 per day, reports Lloyd’s List.

What’s the scenario?

Earnings for very large crude carriers on routes to Asia from the Middle East Gulf plunged the most, Baltic Exchange data showed.

  • The daily rate for Saudi Arabia-Singapore oil shipments declined by nearly $90,000, retreating to more than...