Diana Reports $1.3m Net Loss for Q1 2021

Diana Shipping Inc. reports first quarter net loss of $1.3 Million, says a press release published on their website.

Net loss reported

Diana Shipping Inc., a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of dry bulk vessels, reported a net loss of $1.3 million and a net loss attributed to common stockholders of $2.7 million for the first quarter of 2021.

This compares to a net loss of $102.8 million and net loss attributed to common stockholders of $104.3 million reported in the first...


Floating Storage & Port Delays Increases Tanker Utilization!

  • Near-term tanker freight dictated by oil supply, demand imbalance
  • a mix of factors including floating storage and covid19 delays at ports is driving up tanker utilization and freight rates
  • Tanker owners who took advantage of the situation in Q1-Q2 will expect positive fallout next year
  • 10% of global crude tanker fleet currently used for storage
  • Dirty tanker orderbook at 8% of total fleet, 23-year low

According to a Platts report written by Catherine Wood, Teekay Tankers is looking toward...
