France Coerces EU To Levy Tax on Airplane And Ship Fuel?

According to an article published in Reuters, France wants the European Union to work on creating a tax on airplane and ship fuels as part of a push to rein in carbon emissions.

Tax on airplane and marine fuel?

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said the tax would complement plans supported by France and Germany for a carbon border tax that would shield European companies from competition from countries with lower emissions standards.

It’s incomprehensible that carbon emissions targets were...

Ring the bell for the next round in the Bio Levy brawl

Shipping Australia is pleased to see Minister McKenzie release the Report of the Bio Levy Steering Committee.

This is a comprehensive report and its release now puts all the considerations out there in the open. It will inform future discussions. It builds on the previous reviews and highlights a serious lack of authoritative information on relative risk vectors.

You should be aware that the terms of reference for the committee required us to recommend HOW to collect the revenue, not WHETHER it...

The new biosecurity levy – smoke and mirrors, lies or spin?

This new tax is unfair, wrongly targeted and highly inefficient. It should be withdrawn.

Shipping Australia Limited is just one of many industry groups that are angry that the Federal Government will not take biosecurity seriously and is trying to double tax the shipping and import industries. This new tax makes imported goods more expensive for all Australians and eats into our export earnings too.

Strong biosecurity is essential for Australia. It supports our economy by protecting our...

Industry groups reject flawed new biosecurity levy

Industry groups from a broad range of import, shipping, transport, manufacturing, energy and export sectors have had enough.

In a joint statement released today industry groups highlight the confusion over the need for the levy, especially now that industry is already paying an increasing proportion of Australia’s biosecurity costs.

They are also concerned that:

  • the implementation is rushed,
  • there has been no assessment of the flow-on costs to consumers, or
  • how the tax will impact Australia’s...

Why the Government’s new biosecurity levy is wrong on all counts

The tariff war developing between USA and China seems to be hotting up.

As if Australia is trying to get in on the act, the new budget biosecurity levy, a broad-based tariff on all imports, looks very much like Australia’s first salvo in the global tariff war.

This is a tax on everything: building products, cement, fertiliser, fuel, cars and household goods, whether they present a biosecurity risk or not.  These items are essential to day to day life.

And it’s not even efficient revenue collection...