Estabilidad en el precio de las acciones del transporte marítimo de tanqueros

Pese el impacto de los límites de precios del crudo y sus derivados, y una baja demanda genera estabilidad en el precio de las acciones del transporte marítimo de tanqueros, informa SeaTrade.

Esta entrada Estabilidad en el precio de las acciones del transporte marítimo de tanqueros Aparece primero...

Chemical Triggering Parkinson’s Disease Rates

A common chemical may be to blame for exploding Rates of Parkinson’s disease, says an article on Guardian.

Chemical used in Shoe polish

Researchers believe the factor Trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical used in dry cleaning and household products such as shoe polishes and carpet cleaners may be the cause of increasing rates of Parkinson’s disease.

About TCE

TCE is a carcinogen linked to renal cell carcinoma, cancers of the cervix, liver, biliary passages, lymphatic system and male breast tissue,...

OPEC+ Production Cuts May Lead To A Sharp Rise In Tanker Rates

The extension of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries plus (Opec+) output cuts into April may lend strength to oil prices, but will intensify the pain felt by the tanker shipping sector, reports The Star.

Production Increase

Nonetheless, analysts believed this would also set the stage for a strong production rebound and a sharp recovery in tanker rates in the second half of this year, which would benefit the likes of MISC Bhd.

“The good news is that oil inventories will continue...

Tanker Report – Week 1

A relatively quiet start to 2021. On the new 2021 Worldscale schedule, flat rates fell about 17%. To compensate, fixing rates reflected an upward adjustment on the first working day of the year, but have since eased, reports Baltic Exchange.


In the Middle East, 280,000mt to US Gulf via the Cape/Cape routing is assessed almost a point down at WS21 level, while 270,000mt to China is rated two points lower since Monday at WS40.5. In the Atlantic, rates for 260,000mt West Africa to China fell...

IMO 2020 Pricing Strategy Proves To Be Confusing for Shippers

  • An eco ship is a vessel is designed for enhanced fuel efficiency.
  • An eco ship has a higher TCE than a non-eco ship because its fuel consumption is lower.
  • Ships with exhaust-gas scrubbers can continue to use cheaper 3.5% sulfur HFO.
  • Those without scrubbers switched to more expensive 0.5% sulfur VLSFO.

According to an article published in Freightwaves and authored by Greg Miller, determining the spot prices for tankers and bulkers has always been tricky.

New hurdles to rate visibility


NAT To Reap Benefits of Strong Tanker Market Conditions

In a January 7, 2020 message, it was informed about the first fixture of 2020 with a Time Charter Equivalent (TCE) in excess of $100,000 per day, says a press release published on their website.

Spot market fixtures

For reference, but not for accounting purposes, below is a list of our last spot market fixtures concluded up until the release of this message:

  • Fixture 1: TCE $50,000 per day for 50 days
  • Fixture 2: TCE $90,000 per day for 40 days
  • Fixture 3: TCE $65,000 per day for 35 days
  • Fixture 4:...