Teekay Takes Delivery Of Fourth Arc 7 Ice-Breaking LNGC For Yamal LNG

Vladimir Voronin_Yamal LNG

Teekay LNG Partners is on the growth path. Six LNG carrier newbuildings to be built in partnership with our new joint venture partner, China LNG Shipping (CLNG), for the Yamal LNG Project in Northern Russia. Four out of six Arc 7 Icebreaking LNG new builds delivered. Vladimir Voronin, named after the famous Soviet sea captain, we have recently taken final delivery of Vladimir Voronin HN 2431, the fourth in the series of our six Arc 7 ice-breaking LNG newbuilds.

Image Credits: teekay.com



Yara Birkeland Wins Nor-Shipping’s Next Generation Ship Award

Yara Birkeland illustration mindre

The nominations for the new look Nor-Shipping Next Generation Ship Award have been revealed, with Yara Birkeland, the world’s first fully autonomous ship, battling against an array of innovative tanker concepts from AET, Teekay and Sovcomflot.

The winner, to be announced at Nor-Shipping’s Opening Ceremony in Oslo Town Hall on 3 June, will be the first to receive an accolade that combines two previous awards – the Energy Efficiency Award and the former Next Generation Ship Award – in one coveted...
