Trucking companies added to FMCSA safety committee

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has added nine members to its current 16-member Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee (MCSAC), including two motor carriers and four women.

“The 2021 membership features a strong and diverse set of members from industry, safety, labor and enforcement,” said FMCSA Deputy Administrator Wiley Deck in announcing the new panel Wednesday.

“MCSAC members provide invaluable insight into all parts of the motor carrier industry and are critical in...

Conquering mountains is a downhill battle

For truckers, conquering mountains and steep terrain is a downhill battle. And yes, things can go downhill very fast when an 80,000-pound loaded truck experiences brake failure, or worse, when a driver makes a serious error.

Drivers who find themselves at the mercy of momentum quite literally receive a crash course in the laws of physics as their speed becomes uncontrollable. Thankfully, some of the country’s most treacherous highways are equipped with escape routes for trucks in momentum mayday.