231 Therese Lundquist, CEO Sea Technology AB

Floating ports, is that part of a sustainable society?

Sea Technology is currently designing a new floating container and cruise vessel terminal type. Therese Lundquist is Sea Technology AB’s CEO and guest in episode 231 of the Shipping Podcast.

Therese is passionate about disruptive, innovative ideas to contribute to the Blue Ocean Economy. She has a marketing and sales background and has now taken over the leadership of this family-owned company, looking into technical solutions for the future.



Junta Directiva de HHLA Aprueba Oferta de Adquisición por parte de MSC

La Junta Ejecutiva y la Junta de Supervisión de HHLA han aprobado la oferta de adquisición por parte de la Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), según lo establecido en el acuerdo marco preliminar vinculante firmado también por la Ciudad de Hamburgo.

Esta entrada Junta Directiva de HHLA Aprueba...


Sluggish Container Demand See Terminal Operators Face Tougher Times

Credit: Ojas Narappanawar/Pexels

Slowing volumes and sluggish container demand see terminal operators face tougher times in 2023, says an article pubished on Seatrade-maritime.

Reported strong financial results

Despite port throughput growth grinding to a halt in 2022, terminal operators in the main have reported strong financial results.

However, Drewry’s latest analysis indicates far tougher conditions in 2023 due to weakening demand and high inflation.

Inventory de-stocking

It is increasingly...
