CMA CGM to sell a portfolio of ten port terminals to Terminal Link

  • The USD 968 million cash transaction is expected to close in Spring 2020
  • The CMA CGM Group is reducing its debt and continuing to increase its liquidity
  • With this operation, Terminal Link reinforces its growth potential and its geographic footprint

The CMA CGM Group signed an agreement with China Merchants Port (CMP) to sell a portfolio of stakes in ten port terminals to Terminal Link, their joint-venture set up in 2013 and owned 51% by CMA CGM and 49% by CMP. The agreement confirms the terms...

CMA CGM recaudará $ 2 mil millones vendiendo sus puertos y barcos para financiar a CEVA

PARÍS, 25 nov (Reuters) – El grupo naviero CMA CGM dijo que planeaba recaudar $ 2 mil millones para ayudar a financiar su adquisición de CEVA Logistics, con la mitad del efectivo proveniente de la venta de activos portuarios a su empresa conjunta con China Merchants Port Holdings Co. 001872. SZ....

DP World and CMA CGM’s Terminal Link form JV for new berths at Le Havre

GMP (Générale de Manutention Portuaire), a joint-venture between DP World and CMA CGM’s Terminal Link subsidiary, has been awarded the service concession for the construction and operation of berths 11 and 12 at the port of Le Havre.
GMP will invest in two new container berths spanning 700 metres of quay, with a 42ha terminal and an operational capacity of 1m teu.
The concession agreement is for a 34-year term, including two …

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