Shipper hackles rise as Hong Kong box terminals announce operating alliance

A new alliance of four Hong Kong major container terminal operators has been slammed as anti-competitive by local shippers.
The Hong Kong Seaport Joint Operating Alliance Agreement (HKSPA), announced yesterday, sees Cosco Shipping Ports team up with Asia Container Terminals, Hongkong International Terminals and Modern Terminals.
According to Cosco, the four companies will collaborate on the management and operation of 23 berths across Hong Kong’s Kwai Tsing terminals, with the aim of …

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Evolving market could lead to ‘dangerous’ overcapacity in Caribbean box terminals

Use of outdated data and an under-appreciation of the way the container shipping market in the Latin America and Caribbean region has changed, could lead to dangerous box terminal overcapacity.
At last week’s TOC Americas Container Supply Chain event in Panama, Ricardo Sanchez, regional expert on infrastructure and ports for the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean (ECLAC), was asked about his greatest fear for the industry.
“Short-term overcapacity …

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