Thyssenkrupp and Carlyle in talks

U.S. global investment firm Carlyle is evaluating cooperating with German industrial giant Thyssenkrupp AG on the planned separation of its marine business, Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, whose Kiel site is Germany’s largest shipyard. Both companies agreed to enter into an in-depth examination and valuation (due diligence) of the business with a view to a possible partial sale of Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) to Carlyle.

Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems products include its HDW non-nuclear...

ABS in MOU on 3D-printed marine and offshore spare parts

ABS has signed a memorandum of understanding with Singapore-based Pelagus 3D Pte. Ltd that aims to advance the technologies of on-demand additive manufacturing (AM) and the adoption of 3D-printed marine and offshore spare parts.

Pelagus 3D is a joint venture of Thyssenkrupp and Wilhelmsen. During a three-year term, ABS will collaborate with the company on a variety of initiatives including the incorporation of ABS testing requirements through the Pelagus platform for AM parts. The project will...

ThyssenKrupp invests in Port of Rotterdam facilities

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe, a German steel corporation, makes multi-dollar investments in the Rotterdam port with a new unloading installation for seagoing vessels to be built at Ertsoverslagbedrijf Europoort C.V. (EECV).

The new unloader, which is scheduled to be operational by the end of 2025, is expected to increase efficiency, environmental friendliness, and safety. This demonstrates ThyssenKrupp Steel’s commitment to contemporary infrastructure in Rotterdam, as well as sustainable supplies...

Thyssenkrupp and Wilhelmsen Joins To Amplify 3D Printing Capabilities

Credit: Thysennkrupp

New joint venture “Pelagus 3D” launched on 29 September 2023. Pelagus 3D to become largest one-stop partner for digital manufacturing in the maritime and offshore industry. Global network ensures time- and cost-efficient delivery

Maritime Supply Chains
  • Thyssenkrupp and Wilhelmsen have teamed up to create “Pelagus 3D,” a joint venture that will provide digital spare parts for the global maritime industry using advanced 3D printing technology.
  • Thyssenkrupp brings its additive...

¿Qué hay detrás de la moda de los electrolizadores para el hidrógeno verde? 

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Fabricar hidrógeno hoy en día es un negocio bastante sucio. Pero eso está cambiando a medida que más...