Loaded and Rolling: Respect my FMCSA authoritah!!

FMCSA new authority approval at record high from spot rates and tight capacity 
Image credit: Comedy Central and South Park via Twitter

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is setting records. New motor carrier authority approvals are at an all-time high — around 10,000 each month. As of September, around 82,000 approvals for authority had been granted in 2021, compared with 59,500 for the entire year of 2020. 

Why it’s important: 

  • High Spot rates combined with a capacity crunch...


The power of niche audience education — Cyberly

Cyberly thumb

On this episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve is tackling a big issue in the industry: education. She starts by breaking down a new 3PL study that reveals what shippers want out of their 3PL partnerships, which is a good way for companies to understand specific points to educate their employees. 

Brumleve welcomes two creators, Gabby Salazar, a merchant mariner, and Cory Connors, a sustainable packaging expert. Both have amassed thousands of followers with their TikTok content by simply educating...
