Court decision opens the door for reimplementing Rhode Island truck tax, but with some provisions blocked

Rhode Island’s truck tolling system, which has been on the shelf following a lower court ruling in 2022, has new life following a Court of Appeals decision handed down Friday.

The decision by the First Circuit Court of Appeals is a blow to the American Trucking Associations, which has led the legal fight against the tolling plan known as RhodeWorks, does not give a full green light to all the provisions of the Rhode Island law. In that sense, the decision is a partial victory for the ATA. 

In the...

Bestpass, Drivewyze collaborating on toll processing as part of ‘driver experience’

Transportation data companies Bestpass and Drivewyze are coming together in a partnership to offer Bestpass’ capabilities in tolling information in conjunction with the various offerings of Drivewyze, which go beyond the latter’s core business of weigh station bypass.

The agreement between the two companies does not have a name nor is it a new product. But at its center will be an integration of the companies’ capabilities in various product offerings, while also allowing for more seamless...

Bestpass exceeds 20,000 customers, keeps eye on interoperability

Trucks on highway passing through toll

Bestpass is not only celebrating its 20th year of business but also the achievement of surpassing 20,000 customers. Over the past year, the leading provider of toll management solutions has achieved 100% customer growth and boasts more than $1 billion in annual toll transactions. 

However, in an interview with CEO Tom Fogarty, who joined Bestpass in 2020, and longtime President John Andrews, it’s clear that the Bestpass team isn’t resting on its laurels, but actively working toward nationwide...

White Paper: Tolling in 2021: Emerging Trends for Commercial Fleets

Understanding new trends in tolling in 2021, and how tolling will evolve into the future, is critical for most commercial fleets, especially those with large regional or national footprints. By learning more about tolling trends and evaluating the cost and benefits of using specific facilities, fleets can optimize operations, creating an overall positive impact on the bottom line.

Download the white paper, Tolling in 2021: Emerging Trends for Commercial Fleets to learn:
• What the acceleration of...

Trucking interests skeptical of zone-based congestion pricing

Zone-based congestion pricing for vehicles entering downtown business districts has long been considered a way to reduce delays and stress for commuters. But the potential for cutting fuel consumption and vehicle emissions now dovetails with the Biden administration’s climate policy goals — at a time when states are looking for ways to refill infrastructure budget coffers decimated by the pandemic.

If the new administration decides to put its weight behind the concept, how will truckers fare?


Bestpass simplifies toll payments for 10,000 customers

Truck passing through toll

COVID-19 has been a sweeping accelerator for technology adoption across the transportation industry. In the tolling industry specifically, this is seen through the implementation of all-electronic systems and toll-by-plate transactions. 

But before COVID-19, tech company Bestpass spent a decade consolidating more than 40 U.S. tolling agencies into a unified call center to simplify toll management for carriers. Bestpass operates under the assumption that fleets often have little idea how much...

White Paper – Trends in Tolling

There is a distinct overarching challenge with tolling for commercial trucking fleets. Tolling is essentially a local and state-by-state business, but most carriers operate at least regionally and often nationally. This means that truck drivers need multiple transponders, which means multiple invoices, payments, violations, and points of contact with all the different toll operators in jurisdictions through which they routinely pass.

New trends and technological improvements have simplified...

Freight helping major toll highways weather pandemic

Two major U.S. turnpike authorities confirmed that freight traffic has been the lone bright spot in an otherwise dismal two months since the COVID-19 pandemic began decimating toll road revenue collections.

Speaking at a press briefing Thursday sponsored by the International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA), Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, chairman of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, said she has seen “no big drop-off” in commercial traffic despite overall revenue in March and April...