‘As I See It’ from the Trucking Activist – Lyboldt impact

As announced last month, John Lyboldt, a friend, leader, and colleague, announced his upcoming retirement from his position as president of the Truckload Carriers Association. I wanted to thank John for his impact on the Truckload Profitability Program (TPP) and his leadership and vision that has guided this program to the heights it has attained during his tenure. As John considers the next chapter in his career, I hope he has some time available to consult and aid in the further growth of...


The simple truth on trucking’s low retention rates

The simple truth is that the low retention rates prevalent in the trucking industry are nothing more than a business challenge gone unchecked. Being in the trucking industry exaggerates this challenge by being capital intensive and having very few restrictions to enter the industry, other than courage and money. Now, add to this margins that are razor-thin by most business standards, and you begin to understand how so many new companies seem to pop up and flash in the pan.

In the beginning, the...


‘As I See It’ from the Trucking Activist – My trucking summer vacation

As you may have noticed, I have taken a 6-week summer vacation from my editorials. Not really a summer vacation, but rather, my June and July client and TCA meeting schedule took over. While a little grueling under these new travel challenges with less routes, higher ticket and room prices, and no customer service whatsoever, it was great to get where I wanted to be — seeing my friends and clients in person. Many of these sessions were spent interacting with our driver population, which I...


7 reasons why trucking is my chosen career

Here’s an interesting question for you: Why become a truck driver if you had to convince a group of young people why it’s a good profession? If you were in this position, what would you tell them? We’re surrounded by so much negative minutia that some of us never take the chance to truly appreciate what we do for our livelihood.

I’m going to start it off, but I encourage you to share your reasons for pounding the highway. Before we get started, just an FYI, my transportation career began with 10...


TCA Profitability Program webinar today

The Truckload Carriers Association will host a complimentary webinar on today at 1 p.m. for those interested in learning more about the TCA Profitability Program (TPP).

Participants will learn about:

  • The benefits of a TPP membership;
  • What a leader should be ready to do to ensure the greatest benefit from TPP; and
  • How TPP has influenced the processes and procedures of management teams.

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Todd Davis: Listening and delivering value key to growing benchmarking programs at FreightWaves, TCA Profitability Program

Todd Davis takes over FreightWaves benchmarking

When Chris Henry conceived the idea of benchmarking financial and operational data for trucking companies in North America, he faced resistance.

“Those first 90 days were full of rejections, specifically focused on ‘It will be impossible to get truckers to agree to submit their confidential data for any type of benchmarking purpose,’ with some choice swear words thrown in for good measure,” Henry said.

But he persisted, and with the help of a partnership with the Truckload Carriers Association...
