FedEx, UPS shippers face 8%-10% prices hikes in 2023, consultancy says

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TransImpact says there will be virtually no difference in rates in 2023 between FedEx and UPS.


Los expertos dicen que no hay que burlarse de las subidas de las tarifas generales de los paquetes (GRI) 

Los aumentos anuales de las tarifas generales (GRI por sus siglas en inglés) publicados por los transportadores de paquetería FedEx Corp. y UPS Inc. son percibidos por muchos como ruido. Las tarifas no se aplican directamente a los contratos, que rigen todas las relaciones entre cargadores y transportadores. En todo caso, los GRI sirven de marcador a partir del cual se negocian los descuentos en las tarifas. 

Sin embargo, los GRI de 2023 pueden ser algo más que ruido. Después de años de mantener...

Don’t scoff at parcel general rate increases, experts say

The annual general rate increases (GRI) published by parcel-delivery carriers FedEx Corp. and UPS Inc. are perceived by many as noise. The tariff rates don’t directly apply to contracts, which govern all shipper-carrier relationships. If anything, GRIs serve as a marker from which rate discounts are negotiated.

The 2023 GRIs may be a little more than noise, however. After years of keeping its GRI between 4.9% and 5.9%, FedEx (NYSE: FDX) hit the market last month with a 6.9% increase, higher than...

UPS to hike air, ground fuel surcharges on Jan. 3

UPS Inc. will raise the levels of fuel surcharges that it imposes on most of its air and ground delivery customers.

Effective Jan. 3, surcharge levels on domestic air and ground services — including transborder shipments — will rise by between 8% and 10%, according to calculations from consultancy TransImpact LLC from information posted on UPS’ website. Surcharges on international air services will increase as well, according to the website notice.

UPS’ (NYSE: UPS) surcharges on diesel and air...