EC launches green transport strategy

The EU’s long-term strategy for reducing the bloc’s reliance on fossil fuels in the transport sector, published today, has already come under fire from environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for its heavy reliance on biofuels.

As the European Green Deal is implemented, with targets of more than 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from transport, and for the EU to become a climate-neutral economy by 2050, while also working towards a zero-pollution ambition, the strategy to...

IMO set to outline next steps in its GHG strategy

Shipping lines affiliated to the World Shipping Council (WSC) have called on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to adopt the industry’s proposal to add US$2/tonne to the price of bunker fuel to raise money for a research fund that will develop zero-carbon technology.

The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 75 will meet this week, from 16-20 November, to debate proposals put forward by the Intersessional Working Group, which met in late October, that will see ship...

IMO concludes draft carbon deal, in face of green lobby objections

Delegates at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) intersessional meeting have agreed draft measures on cutting the carbon intensity from existing ships, amid some acrimony over the discussions as the environmental lobby pressure shipping to do more.

The latest proposals are expected to be agreed at the next Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 75 set for 16-20 November, but some environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have said that the proposals do not go far...

MSC Rebuts T&E’s Interpretation of Its Carbon Emissions

  • MSC is highly concerned by the misleading interpretation of data presented by Transport & Environment in relation to MSC carbon emissions reported under the EU MRV scheme.
  • The ratio of carbon emissions per ton of cargo MSC moves is among the lowest in the industry.
  • A complete analysis of the raw data recorded in the EU MRV shows that only 40-45% of the emissions reported by MSC apply to the geographical area of the EU.

MSC, in a press release, responds to recent EU shipping carbon emissions...

EU seeks to impose ETS on shipping by January 2022

In a move that will be seen as piling pressure on shipping regulators and the shipping industry the Environment Committee of the European Parliament voted yesterday to add shipping emissions to its carbon Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Up to now shipping has been excluded from carbon reduction measures from the EU, but the latest move means that a vote will be taken in the European Parliament in September, and if passed each member state will need to approve the new legislation, which will then...