FMCSA urged to factor electric trucks into detention study

WASHINGTON — A study by federal regulators aimed at reducing truckers’ detention time should take into account the time it will take to recharge an electric truck, according to an insurance group.

In comments filed with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Cos. (NAMIC), which supports FMCSA’s effort, said the insurance industry can provide the agency with recommendations — especially regarding zero-emission trucks — on “specific metrics,...

Truck drivers: FMCSA wants to see your leasing agreement

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WASHINGTON — If you’re a truck driver and have a lease agreement with a trucking company, federal...

FMCSA details new truck driver detention time survey

WASHINGTON — A long-standing quest for better data on how delays experienced by truck drivers waiting to load and unload affects safety and lost pay will get a fresh start by federal regulators.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration released on Wednesday the parameters of a new data collection it hopes will close an information gap preventing regulators from fully understanding the effects of truck driver detention time.

“This research study will collect data on commercial motor vehicle...

Is Washington stepping up for truck drivers?

Chronic underutilization of American truck drivers — not a truck driver shortage — was the central theme of testimony by David Correll, a research scientist and lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Transportation and Logistics, before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on Nov. 17, 2021.

Correll is co-director of the MIT FreightLab

Correll told lawmakers that based on his research team’s analysis of trucker ELDs, he estimated that American...