5 weird things spilled out of trucks

Flipped tractor-trailer with freight spilled across the median.

Accidents happen, even to the best truckers on America’s highways. Sometimes freight ends up scattered across the road, and occasionally it’s something people may not expect. These are five fairly odd things that have spilled out of or fallen off of trucks.

All abuzz

A semi carrying more than 450 beehives rolled over near Lynwood, Washington, in the predawn hours of April 17, 2015. It happened on the I-5 median at the I-405 interchange. The driver of the truck was not injured.

The hives contained...


Veteran trucker invents state-of-the-art, lighted safety flap

Tractor-trailer parked on a foggy day.

Inventor, businessman and veteran truck driver Tim Adams has been tinkering with ideas for inventions much of his life. Now in his early 60s, he believes he has a product that could revolutionize trucking. It’s a one-of-a-kind mud flap for tractor-trailers, one which Adams believes can reduce accidents and save lives.

“I drive for a living, and I’ve been out there,” Adams, from Novato, California, told FreightWaves. “I know what it can do to help everybody on the highway.”

We Care Safety Flaps...


Best apps for truckers

Here are some of the best apps for truckers to use.

Truckers have to keep track of a lot on the road. The apps below guide drivers through navigational and weather difficulties. In addition, a wide selection of music, audiobooks and podcasts available for download can keep truckers entertained even when they hit areas with spotty cell phone coverage. Here are some of the best apps for truckers.

Weather app: NOAA Weather Radar Live 

Available on iOS and Android

The NOAA app gives truckers real-time weather information regarding storm cells,...


Former long-haul trucker slated to be executed sometime Friday

Alfred Bourgeois is sentenced to die by lethal injection

Former long-haul trucker Alfred Bourgeois, 56, of Louisiana, is set to be executed sometime Friday, barring a last-minute court stay, at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Alfred Bourgeois/Federal Bureau of Prisons

He has spent the past 17 years on death row after a Texas jury found him guilty and sentenced him to death in March 2004 for the brutal murder of his 2-year-old daughter, JG. 

Bourgeois will be the second of five executions planned before President Donald Trump leaves...
