Turkish ports major beneficiary in Black Sea amid war in Ukraine

The seaports in Turkey are found to be the major beneficiary of the ongoing Russia Ukraine war. The ports in the transcontinental country got the additional cargoes as Turkey did not ban Russian flag vessels while the United States, European Union, and many Asian nations did so amid sanctions over the Ukraine invasion in late February.

Data show that the Turkish ports saw an increase in handling of transshipment cargoes by 6,000 tonnes during January-April this year compared to the same period...


Requirements for import & exports at Turkish ports

Turkish Customs is executing strictly hereunder requirements. Therefore, pay your special attention to the requirements for all inbound or transshipment cargoes to/via Turkish ports.

HS code and commodity description

For the shipment which will be discharged on Turkish port, including Turkey import cargo and the cargo transship via Turkey, H.S. code and commodity description are mandatory and must follow below rule.

Please be informed that the shipment will not be able to discharge on Turkey if...


Empty Repositioning Surcharge in Turkish ports

Due to a severe lack of equipment in all Turkish ports, and as situation is expected to last, CMA CGM informs its customers of the implementation of an Empty Repositioning Surcharge (ERS) that will enable them to position all necessary empty equipment for matching the growing demand.

The ERS will apply as follows:

Effective October 15th, 2018 (B/L date) except US Trades (November 8th, 2018):

Exports from all Turkish ports

Quantum: USD 50 per unit

All cargo dry and reefer

The post Empty Repositioning...
