Vergina TV’s Christina Tsorba interviews John Faraclas on current International burning issues

Christina Tsorba

In 15 minutes at lunch break, Christina Tsorba put forward questions of paramount importance to allaboutshipping’s John Faraclas:

  • The tragic train accident two years ago in central Greece where 57 people lost their lives with incalculable repercussions to all.
  • The new World order following Donald Trump’s return to the White House and in particular the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the Tariffs, the environment – did I hear you say decarbonisation…
  • The importance of the...

SEA GUARDIAN Threat & Risk Assessment 01 – 07 March 2025

John (Ioannis) Pavlopoulos, President Sea Guardian SG Ltd., Vice Admiral (ret.) H.N. , Honorary Commander in Chief of the Hellenic Fleet , Former Military Representative of Greece  to the NATO and EU 


​​ Brief Update No 25/08 Date: 07 Mar 2025


This document has been approved for distribution by Sea Guardian S.G. Ltd / Operations Department. The provided Intel and information derive from open sources, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the...

American Club Member Alert (February 27, 2025)

FEBRUARY 27, 2025
In an effort to reduce congestion at the southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait anchorage area, the Directorate General of Maritime Affairs have taken steps to increase navigation, safety and environmental protection while also facilitating fishing activities in the region. These steps are summarized as follows: 
1. Vessels waiting in drift in the Sea of Marmara are directed to proceed to one of the...

Turkish CSOs take legal action to ensure Environmental Impact Assessment of the ship recycling sector in Aliağa

Picture Credit: Emirhan Durmaz / Evrensel 

Turkish Civil Society Organisations take legal action to ensure Environmental Impact Assessment of the ship recycling sector in Aliağa

On 10 January 2024 a coalition of organisations, including Aegean Environment and Culture Platform (EGEÇEP), İzmir Bar Association, TMMOB Chamber of Architects, İzmir Medical Chamber, and eight concerned citizens, filed a lawsuit against Turkiye’s Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation, and Climate Change. The legal action...

«MSC Türkiye»: Σύγχρονο μεγαθήριο στον στόλο της MSC

Την τελετή ονοματοδοσίας ενός ακόμα μεγαθηρίου 24.000 TEUs γνωστοποίησε η MSC μέσω ανακοίνωσης. Πρόκειται για το «MSC Türkiye», ένα containership 400 μ. και χωρητικότητας 241.000 dwt, το οποίο ναυπηγήθηκε στην Κίνα και παραδόθηκε στην MSC τον Αύγουστο. Η τελετή ονοματοδοσίας έλαβε χώρα στις 30 Οκτωβρίου.

Το εν λόγω πλοίο ανήκει στην κλάση containerships «Celestino Maresca» και είναι εξοπλισμένο με πληθώρα τεχνολογιών που βελτιώνουν την ενεργειακή αποδοτικότητά του. Όπως ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά ο...

Türkiye’s Automotive Supply Chain Congestion is Reduced by DP World

Credit: DP world

DP World eases congestion in Türkiye’s automotive supply chain, reveals a DP World news source.

Containers’ shipping solution

Thousands of cars are now entering Türkiye after DP World Yarımca introduced an innovative ‘cars in containers’ shipping solution that has helped solve an automotive supply chain crisis in the region.

“When we describe DP World to the outside world, we often say we are a global smart trade enabler – this solution is an innovative example of what we mean by...

Ferry MSC AURELIA bound for Türkiye to support earthquake relief initiatives.

MSC AURELIA has departed from the port of Naples and is en route to the port of Iskenderun in Türkiye with over 50 pallets of essential supplies, food, and beverages to support earthquake relief efforts. The MSC Group and MSC Foundation have organized an urgent response to assist those affected by...