Breaking down the Supreme Court ruling on the EPA

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that limits the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to enforce regulations that aimed at reducing carbon emissions from power plants.

And according to a Reuters article, the court’s decision could “hamstring the administration’s ability to curb the power sector’s emissions, about a quarter of U.S. greenhouse gases.”

“The question in this case was did the EPA have the authority to implement the Clean Power Plan?” said Armchair Attorney...

Mitigating the impact of extreme weather on supply chains

The U.S. has seen many extreme weather events over the past two years, including an ice storm in Texas, one of the largest wildfires in California’s history and a hurricane in the Northeast. According to a Gallup poll released April 6th, one in three Americans has been affected by extreme weather events such as hurricanes and winter weather in the past two years.

Another serious concern is the number of tornadoes the U.S. has seen recently. March had at least 210 confirmed tornadoes, the most...

Climate pledges vs. climate action

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres last week addressed the importance of doing more to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Included in Guterres’ report was news of the launch of the High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities.

The group will be tasked with “current standards and definitions for setting net-zero targets; credibility criteria used to assess the objectives, measurement and reporting of net-zero pledges; processes for verifying...

New climate disclosure rule designed to create transparency

The Securities Exchange Commission, in a 3-to-1 vote, has given initial approval of a rule that would require all public companies to report on the climate-related impact of their businesses.

“The SEC is doing this, not just as a climate activist organization, but from an investment, risk-management perspective to make sure those who are investing in companies have enough information to determine how they are going to deploy capital,” said Tyler Cole, director of supply chain intelligence at...

Revolutionizing diesel combustion — Net-Zero Carbon

Service Professionals Inc.'s exhaust reaction system saves money and emissions.

On this episode of Net-Zero Carbon, Tyler Cole, director of carbon intelligence at FreightWaves, chats with Jack Schickler, founder and CEO of Service Professionals Inc. (SPI), about the company’s SPIER exhaust reaction system.

The system “revolutionizes diesel combustion,” Schickler said. It has been tested nationwide for three years, and it’s now on the market. 

“With all the buzz about alternative energy, we started saying, ‘OK, but what do we have available to us right now?’” Schickler said....

Convoy’s carbon-offset program offers ‘credible means to invest in climate finance’

According to Tyler Cole, FreightWaves’ director of carbon intelligence, the push for carbon neutrality is currently in the hype cycle, in which both enthusiasm and skepticism live side by side. While the market hasn’t yet established rules for how carbon-offset projects might overlap with government involvement, that doesn’t stop private organizations like Convoy from building credible carbon-offset programs for transportation companies to join. 

“Convoy has a pretty robust carbon-offset...

Eliminating empty miles best way to effect immediate climate change

Those empty miles a truck drives between loads: Inevitable waste of fuel or fodder for the emissions-minded disruptor?

Digital freight network Convoy’s entire business model hinges on eliminating that waste by linking networks through data science and machine learning. Just last week, Convoy announced its campaign #NoEmptyMiles, seeking to scale its network and find additional efficiencies for carriers, including a long tail of smaller fleets. Carriers that join the Convoy network will optimize...

What is renewable fuels’ role in trucking’s future? — Net-Zero Carbon

The freight industry has a massive problem of inefficiency – it’s called empty miles.35% of trucks on the road today are driving empty, and our environment is paying the price with millions of CO2 metric tons of emissions wasted every year. Be part of the solution with Convoy. Visit

On this episode of Net-Zero Carbon, FreightWaves Director of Carbon Intelligence Tyler Cole sits down with Detroit Bureau Chief Alan Adler to talk about fitting renewable fuels into the...

Why freight is crucial to decarbonization — Net Zero Carbon

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Norfolk Southern isn’t just in the business of moving freight, they’re in the business of a better planet. To learn more about Norfolk Southern’s industry-leading sustainability initiatives, go to

FreightWaves launched its Carbon Intelligence platform earlier in 2021 with great success to support companies’ initiatives to become more sustainable. FreightWaves Director of Carbon Intelligence Tyler Cole joins host Danny Gomez on this episode of Net Zero Carbon to talk...