Los legisladores de la Cámara de Representantes reintroducen la factura de estacionamiento de camiones

WASHINGTON-La Ley de Mejora de la Seguridad del Estacionamiento de Truck se reintrodució el jueves en el Congreso para dedicar subvenciones federales específicamente para aumentar los espacios de estacionamiento disponibles que los camioneros necesitan desesperadamente para descansar durante las horas fuera de servicio. La última versión del proyecto de ley reservaría $ 755 millones durante […]

Esta entrada Los legisladores de la Cámara de Representantes reintroducen la factura de...


House lawmakers reintroduce truck parking bill

WASHINGTON — The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act was reintroduced in Congress on Thursday to dedicate federal grants specifically for increasing available parking spaces desperately needed by truckers for resting during off-duty hours.

The latest version of the bill would set aside $755 million over five years (FY2025 through FY 2029) that would be available through a competitive grant program. Similar legislation was introduced in 2021 and in 2023.

“I grew up in a family trucking business,”...


Lawmakers introduce ‘clear path’ to more truck parking

WASHINGTON — The latest push to expand parking for truck drivers is a synchronized effort by lawmakers in both houses of Congress.

The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act, introduced in the House and Senate on Wednesday, authorizes $755 million over four years through a competitive grant program. The money would be dedicated to increasing and improving safe parking for truckers, primarily through new facilities or by converting existing weigh stations and rest areas.

A similar bill introduced in...


Avanza en la Cámara el proyecto de ley de estacionamiento de camiones por 755 millones de dólares 

Trucks parked in parking lot at night.

La legislación destinada a ampliar las instalaciones de estacionamiento de camiones en todo Estados Unidos fue aprobada por el Comité de Transporte e Infraestructura de la Cámara de Representantes el miércoles y avanzará al pleno de la Cámara. 

La Ley de Mejora de la Seguridad del Estacionamiento de Camiones proporciona 755 millones de dólares en subvenciones competitivas durante cuatro años (2023-2026) para ampliar la capacidad de estacionamiento de camiones.

La legislación fue introducida en...


$755 million truck parking bill advances in House

Trucks parked in parking lot at night.

Legislation aimed at expanding truck parking facilities throughout the U.S. was approved by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on Wednesday and will advance to the House floor.

The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act provides $755 million in competitive grants over four years (2023-2026) to expand truck parking capacity.

The legislation was introduced in March 2021 by U.S. Reps. Mike Bost, R-Ill., and Angie Craig, D-Minn. Similar legislation had been offered as an amendment in...
