High Pressure Oil Leak Causes Engine Room Fire

Credits: Arny Mogensen/Unsplash

The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch has published Safety Digest 1/2023, consisting of lessons from recent Marine Accident Reports. IMCA has reviewed the digest and here passes on for members interest, some but not all of the incidents in it.

What happened

A recently built vessel was on passage when a gearbox temperature probe was ejected from its fitting by oil at 25 bar. A jet of gearbox oil sprayed a major part of the engine room including one of the...


Improper Voyage Planning Causes Cargo Vessel Grounding

Credit: Dapur Melodi/Pexels

UK MAIB published its report on the grounding of the general cargo vessel Kaami, on 21 March 2020, on the west coast of Scotland.

The incident

On 19 March 2020 the general cargo vessel Kaami arrived in the port of Drogheda, Ireland to load a cargo of 1927 tonnes of solid recovered fuel (SRF)1. During the two-day port call the chief ofcer (C/O) was overseeing the cargo operations and so the master carried out chart updates on the vessel’s ECDIS and planned the voyage to...


Safety Warning Issued About Flexible Hose Installations

Credit: Borderpolar Photographer/Unsplash

As the UK MAIB describes in its latest Safety Digest, a potential fire hazards from flexible hose installations identified following a fire on board the cargo ship, says an article published on safety4sea.

Suffered serious damage

On 19 September 2021, a fire broke out in the auxiliary engine room on board the Finland registered roll-on/roll-off cargo ship Finnmaster while departing Hull, England.

The fire was contained and subsequently extinguished without...


Drunk Officer Dies in Fatal Crush Incident

In its latest report, UK MAIB describes the fatal crush accident onboard the general cargo vessel “Karina C” at Seville, Spain back in May 2019.

The incident

On 21 May 2019, the general cargo vessel Karina C arrived in Seville, Spain and berthed port side alongside the Muelle del V Centenario. The vessel visited the port to load a cargo of cement, which commenced during the morning of 23 May.

As explained, during the cargo operations, the second officer had been working at the aft end of the main...


Inaccurate VHF And AIS Data Leads To Ship Collision

On August 2018 a container ship and a gas carrier collided. The UK MAIB issued an investigation report on the incident, says an article on the Safety4Sea website.

The incident

At 0636 on 4th August 2018, the UK registered container vessel ANL Wyong and the Italian registered gas carrier King Arthur collided 4 nautical miles south-east of Europa Point, Gibraltar. Both vessels were damaged but there was no pollution or injury.The collision occurred in the darkness during the presence of a dense fog...


UK MAIB issues its first 2020 Safety Digest

The U.K. Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has published its first Safety Digest for 2020, including cases detailing accidents involving vessels from the merchant, fishing and recreational sectors.

Andrew Moll, Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents comments that “If I had a £1 for every time a manager has asked me how they can ensure that their staff are ‘doing the right thing’ I would be a rich man by now,” adding that

There are no simple answers: if there were, people would not be...


UK MAIB: Lessons learned on the importance of passage planning

Following investigation on the grounding and loss of fishing vessel Coelleira off Scotland, UK MAIB issued a safety flyer to the fishing industry sharing key lessons learned on the importance of passage planning to safe navigation.

The incident

At about 0124 on 4 August 2019, while on passage from fishing grounds, the 30m long-liner Coelleira grounded on Ve Skerries, a group of low-lying reefs 3nm north-west of Papa Stour on the west coast of Shetland, Scotland.

The vessel’s 15 crew quickly...


UK MAIB investigation: Ships’ collision linked to inappropriate use of VHF and AIS data

In August 2018, the container ship, ANL Wyong, and the gas carrier, King Arthur, collided in darkness, dense fog and an area of heavy shipping traffic, off Gibraltar. The UK MAIB issued an investigation report on the incident, noting that neither vessel appreciated the risk of collision in sufficient time to take effective avoiding action and pass at a safe distance. The investigation has also highlighted risks associated with the inappropriate use of VHF radio and AIS data when assessing risk...


UK MAIB investigation: Unmanned bridge, improper passage planning lead to grounding

UK MAIB issued an investigation report on the grounding of the fishing vessel Coelleira off Scotland, while on passage to land its catch in Scrabster, in August 2019. The report highlighted that the passage from the fishing grounds to Scrabster was not properly planned and the vessel’s position was not being closely monitored.

The incident

At about 0124 on 4 August 2019, the Spanish owned UK registered fishing vessel Coelleira grounded on Ve Skerries, a low-lying reef of the west coast of the...


UK MAIB warning: Sudden discharge of condensed aerosol fire extinguishing system leads to fatality

The UK MAIB issued a safety bulletin highlighting a potentially serious hazard associated with condensed aerosol firefighting suppressant particles. The warning came after a relevant fatal accident on the fishing vessel ‘Resurgam’, in November 2019.

The incident

On 15 November 2019, the UK registered fishing vessel Resurgam was in Newlyn, England undergoing maintenance.

An engineer and an apprentice from the owner’s shore-based support team were working on the main engine in the engine room.

