Investigation report: Master loses orientation, collides on moored yacht

The UK MAIB launched a new investigation report concerning a collision between the ro-ro passenger ferry Red Falcon and the moored yacht Greylag which was sunk on its mooring as a result.

The Incident

On Sunday, October 21, 2018, the ro-ro passenger ferry Red Falcon had entered the Cowes Harbour having a reduced visibility due to fog and the helmsman experienced difficulty steering due to the lack of visual references and his lack of practice steering by digital compass alone into Cowes Harbour.


UK MAIB investigation: Loss of control leads to collision between two bulk carriers

The UK MAIB issued an investigation report on the collision between the bulk carrier ‘Gülnak’ and the moored bulk carrier ‘Cape Mathilde’ off England in April 2019. The investigation identified that control of Gülnak’s heading was lost towards the end of an intended turn to port in the main navigation channel. Despite the use of full starboard rudder and full speed ahead, the port turn was not fully arrested and subsequent application of full astern power was insufficient to avoid a collision...

Investigation report: Effective bridge team structure essential to provide support, ensure safe navigation

UK MAIB recently issued its investigation report, focusing on a roll/roll-off  (ro-ro) ferry vessel which grounded while passing through the Greenore Channel in Carlingford Lough, Northern Ireland. For the records, the vessel departed from Warrenpoint, with final destination Heysham, England.

The incident

As UK MAIB informs, it was at 2150 on 8 May 2019, when the master of the “Seatruck Performance” arrived on the bridge and was ready for a 2200 departure from Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland to...

Investigation report: Truck drivers remaining in vehicle cabs onboard ship, pose a safety risk

UK MAIB recently published its investigation report, focusing on a roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) passenger vessel which rolled heavily due to very rough seas and winding conditions. Namely, ferry’s cargo sifted and caused damage to the vehicles onboard.

The incident 

As UK MAIB informs, it was at 0633 on Tuesday 18 December 2018 when the roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) passenger ferry “European Causeway” was dealing with very heavy seas in its voyage from Larne, Northern Ireland to Cairnryan, Scotland.


Investigation report: Loss of 137 containers overboard from CMA CGM G. Washington

In fact, the UK MAIB recently issued its investigation report for the accident on the then UK-flagged container ship CMA CGM G. Washington while it was experiencing very heavy seas in the North Pacific Ocean during its passage from Xiamen, China to Los Angeles, USA.

The incident

UK MAIB informs that it was at 0127 on 20 January 2018 when the then UK fagged container ship CMA CGM G. Washington unexpectedly rolled 20° to starboard, paused for several seconds and then rolled 20° to port.

The ship was...

Artemis fatality Investigation report: Clear drug, alcohol policy defines acceptable limits, saves lives

In its latest investigation report UK MAIB focuses on a fatal incident concerning a skipper onboard a UK-registered fishing vessel ‘Artemis’ who fell head-first through an access hatch between the vessel’s wheelhouse and its mess deck 2.1m below, resulting to severe head injuries and died. The report notes that a significant factor of the accident was that the skipper was under the influence of alcohol.

The Incident

On April 27 the fishing vessel Artemis, having sailed from Fraserburgh called...

Lessons Learned: PFD increases chances of survival

UK MAIB issued an accident report on a fatal incident, when a skipper became entangled in a back rope while shooting creels and was hauled overboard; The son of the ill-fated skipper saw the  single-handed creel boat Sea Mist wandering around without him on board and raised the alarm.

The Incident

On March 27, 2019, at approximately 1225 UTC+1, Tonny Masson, the skipper and owner of the Sea Mist became entangled in a back rope and fell overboard.

There was no witness on the area of the incident to...

Lessons learned: Taking shortcuts on an operation leads to accidents

In its latest Safety Digest, UK MAIB focuses on how a mooring line from a ferry, can easily be tangled in the propeller, without the right communication between the ship personnel and the shore. Based on this accident, MAIB advises to always follow the directions of the safety system and keep in mind that routine operations allow safe practices to be tested.

 The incident 

A ferry was attempting to leave port, when a mooring line became entangled in propeller.

The ferry had already successfully...

Lessons learned: Machinery breakdown drills although not mandatory, always useful

The UK MAIB, in its latest Safety Digest, describes how a ro-ro passenger ferry’s propulsion system stopped out of the blue, discussing what caused the system to fail and how the lack of the crews’ training impacted the situation.

The incident 

Everything was running normally in a small inter-island ro-ro passenger ferry, until the time that it ran aground shortly after one of its two VoithSchneider propulsion units unexpectedly stopped. It was a fine day with a speed of 13 to 18 miles per hour,...

Improperly manufactured keel leads yacht to capsize

UK MAIB has published its report on the UK registered charter yacht, Tyger of London, whose keel failed suddenly on 7 December 2017 and the yacht capsized. The crew, all wearing lifejackets, were thrown into the water and rescued by the British Army yacht, St Barbara V.

The incident

On 7 December, the penultimate day of the charter period, the yacht left the harbour and headed east towards Tenerife into a fresh south-easterly force 5 breeze. Considering that it would be a rough passage, the crew...