Freight industry staff classed as ‘essential workers’ during new UK lockdown

The UK government has confirmed that freight and logistics industry staff will be considered “essential workers” as the country enters its third national lockdown.
Responding to a request this week from UK Warehousing Association chief executive Peter Ward, officials from the Department for Transport issued a letter to the industry this morning.
It says: “As is clear in the latest guidance, those who work to keep the freight transport modes operating during …

The post Freight industry staff...

Not ready for Brexit means a ‘hairy’ January for trade, ‘but it will calm down’

Just 34 working days remain before Brexit, and yet shippers and forwarders remain woefully unprepared for custom procedure changes, according to panellists at Multimodal Connect.
Underlining today’s National Audit Office report, a survey conducted by the UK Warehousing Association found that while 65% of members felt prepared, 75% of those polled believed their customers were not.
“Whatever final outcome emerges from the negotiations, a free trade agreement will not put us back in …

The post Not...

Cautious industry welcome for ‘light touch’ post-Brexit customs controls

The freight industry has “cautiously welcomed” news that the UK government is to stagger import controls throughout 2020, but has warned that without an extension to the transition period, getting a trade deal will be crucial.
“A recent survey of our members revealed that the majority believe an extension to the transition period is desirable if no trade deal is agreed by 31 December, and UK trade with the EU is …

The post Cautious industry welcome for ‘light touch’ post-Brexit customs controls...

Ratifying UK-EU deal will be ‘just the start of Brexit, not the end’, says UKWA

The turgid state of UK politics is characterised by what appears to be ceaseless lying by all political parties, claims the UK Warehousing Assocation. 
One popular phrase, much-repeated by the prime minister, is “get Brexit done”, but Peter Ward, UKWA chief executive, said his plan, via an EU withdrawal agreement, was “deeply misleading” and “couldn’t be further from the truth”. 
Mr Ward said: “What it really means is ratifying an agreement which will signify the …

The post Ratifying UK-EU deal...

Haulage sector wants Whitehall to ensure goods keep moving after ‘no-deal’ Brexit

Amid the conflict of the Conservative Party leadership campaign, some UK business sectors are again showing anxiety at the prospect of a no-deal Brexit.  
Prime ministerial contenders Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt have both pledged to leave the EU with no deal, if necessary, and this week Mr Hunt hardened his stance, stating if a deal was not in sight by 30 September, he would be prepared to pull the plug on negotiations.  
Road …

The post Haulage sector wants Whitehall to ensure goods keep...