Weekly Bulk Report – Week 27, 2023

Credit: Tom Fisk/Pexels

The Baltic Exchange has released a report about the dry bulk market for the 27th week of shipping activities this year. The report dated 07th July 2023, highlights the dry bulk market conditions at the on-sight of the 27th week.


As the week commenced in the Pacific, it became apparent that there was a notable level of enquiry, defying the usual subdued nature of Mondays. The majors from West Australia to China have been present in the market throughout the week....


China Slowdown Raises Concerns for Dry Bulk Sector

Credits: Marek Piwnicki/Unsplash
  • Emission rules to spawn multi-tier freight market
  • Earnings may stay at par among various ship sizes
  • Grim economic outlook may weaken freight levels

Stormy seas lie ahead for the dry bulk market as the shipping industry comes to terms with the new environmental regulations being introduced by the International Maritime Organization in 2023, a survey by S&P Global Commodity Insights has found.

The new regulatory requirements such as the Energy Efficiency Existing...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 34, 2022

The Baltic Exchange has released a report about the dry bulk market for this year’s 34th week of shipping activities. The report dated 26th August highlights the dry bulk market conditions at the on-sight of the 34th week.


The Capesize market is going through a rough period as trading pushed valuations into untenable sub-operating expense territory over the week. The Capesize 5TC dropped -$2,854 week on week to finish at $3,413. With rates so low and the outlook remaining poor, there is...


Weekly Bulk report – Week 21, 2021

The Baltic Exchange has released a report about the dry bulk market for the 21stweek of shipping activities of this year. The report dated 28 May highlights the dry bulk market conditions at the on-sight of the 21st week.


It was a dismal week throughout for Capesize earning as all routes softened in what was a largely disrupted week due to numerous public holidays around the globe.

Transpacific C10

The Transpacific C10 opened the week at $40,246 and any upward momentum quickly plateaued...


Bulk report – Week 20, 2021

The Capesize market managed to turn its fortunes around this week stemming the slide from the previous week, reports Baltic Exchange.


Opening the week at $34,542 the 5TC weakened until midweek before posting a solid 959 gain to settle at $32,593. This revival is largely Pacific led with a small assist from the ballaster routes. The North Atlantic remains weak and largely not dropping further due to an already stretched tether to the Pacific Basin. The Transatlantic C8 at $29,790 is...


Weekly Bulk report – Week 19, 2021

As the week progressed it became clear that the Capesize market wasn’t having a small retracement but was in for a more significant downturn as the 5TC dropped $6,972 week-on-week to settle at $34,542, reports Baltic Exchange.


While Friday’s sharp selloff in the Pacific on the back of West Australia to China C5 fixtures gave clear market visibility, the remainder of the market was operating on low physical activity as dark clouds from the paper market ensured sentiment was poor across...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week18

The Baltic Exchange has released a report about the dry bulk market for the 18thweek of shipping activities of this year. The report datedMay 7th highlights the dry bulk market conditions at the on-sight of the 18thweek.


The Capesize market has been trading strongly at lofty levels this past week. The 5TC opened the week at $40,608, peaked at $44,817 mid-week before finally retracing to take a breather at $41,514. The market has been hiking higher since the beginning of April to reach...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 17, 2021

The market is showing no signs of easing as rates continued to ascend this week reaching record highs for the 5TC average at $40,608, reports Baltic Exchange. 


To be reminded of when these levels were last reached, the Capesize market traded under the 4TC routes and it was late Q3 2013. This week a stronger lift was realised from the trans Pacific C10 moving up $7,988 to $40,692, while the trans Atlantic C8 remains the premium-paying basin gaining $5,150 to $42,600. With relatively...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 15, 2021

The Baltic Briefing has released a report about the dry bulk market for the 15thweek of shipping activities of this year. The report dated 16 Aprilhighlights the dry bulk market conditions at the on-sight of the 15thweek.


The market turned for all Capesize routes this past week as the BCI reached new highs for the year. The Capesize 5TC started the week at $23,911, surged early in the week before a lull mid-week. It closed out with a strong gain of 4,339 for the week to $28,250.  Both...


Weekly Bulk Report – Week 14, 2021

The Capesize market continued this week with its constant and relatively steady improvement in rate values, reports Baltic Exchange.


The Capesize 5TC lifted 4,058 over the shortened post Easter holiday week to $23,911.  While the Transpacific C10 remains the premium paying basin at $27,221, the Atlantic Basin C8 has closed the gap now rated to $19,850, albeit fixtures still remain few and far between in the region. The Fronthaul C9 and Backhaul C16 stood out this week as solid earning...


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