UN agencies renew call to support seafarers and protect supply chains during COVID pandemic

UN agencies renew call to support seafarers and protect supply chains during COVID pandemic

ILO, IMO, UNCTAD and WHO reiterate calls for vaccination and crew change

The International Labour Organization (ILO), International Maritime Organization (IMO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have today issued a joint statement asking stakeholders to take action to support the world’s 1.9 million seafarers from being unduly impacted by...


Joint Statement calling on all Governments to immediately recognize seafarers as keyworkers, and to address the humanitarian crisis faced by the shipping sector

Joint Statement calling on all Governments to immediately recognize seafarers as keyworkers, and to address the humanitarian crisis faced by the shipping sector

UN entities issue joint statement to urge action on the crew change crisis

Download here http://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/Documents/COVID%20CL%204204%20adds/Circular%20Letter%20No.4204Add.30%20Joint%20Statement%20Seafarers.pdf

The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Secretary-General of the...


Keep ships moving, ports open and cross-border trade flowing, urge IMO and UNCTAD

Keep ships moving, ports open and cross-border trade flowing, urge IMO and UNCTAD  https://bit.ly/2Yha8Zn 

The world’s reliance on maritime transport makes it more important than ever to keep ships moving, ports open and cross-border trade flowing, and to support ship crew changeovers, the United Nations maritime and trade entities said in a joint statement

The International Maritime Organization (IMO), which regulates shipping, and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development...


Dry and Wet Markets tumble; Geopolitics worsening… CAUTION!

John Faraclas

Dry and Wet Markets tumble; Geopolitics worsening… CAUTION!

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fell 20 points earlier on today and now stands at 1,782 losing the 1,800 threshold!!! The geopolitical situation couldn’t be worse… John Faraclas’ daily recap:

The Capes’ BCI was stuck at 3,078 points – no steam left, eh!!

The Panamaxes lost the 1,600 points threshold and now read 1,574 – down 34!

The Supras lost 32 points with the BSI now at 1,127!

The Handies’ BHSI was down 13 – a naughty double...


IMO: Extreme maritime weather – symposium – 23-25 October – London

IMO: Extreme maritime weather – symposium – 23-25 October – London

International Symposium on Extreme Maritime Weather – Towards Safety of Life at Sea and a Sustainable Blue Economy


Identifying ways to reduce the loss of life and property, damage to the environment, as well as disruptions to the economy from extreme maritime weather.

Millions of dollars in goods and thousands of lives are still lost at sea each year due to extreme weather...
