Tankers: VLCC Market On Correction Mode After Peaking Mid-Week

Clean LR2 Following on from the notable improvements MEG LR2’s stagnated this week. The TC1 75Kt MEG/Japan index subsequently floated around the WS125 level and TC20 90kt MEG/UK-Continent assessments paused around $3.4 million. West of Suez, Mediterranean/East LR2’s of TC15 continued to hold at the...


Support grows for the GHG levy, as more countries see it as a viable measure to meet climate and equity goals of the IMO

The 18th Intersessional Working Group on GHGs has concluded with the GHG levy in combination with a Global Fuel Standard as the most favoured candidate mid-term measure for reducing GHG emissions from shipping, with majority support across the African participants, SIDS and LDCs and developed...


Joint Public Statement on shipping fuels in the Clean Industrial Deal

The Clean Maritime Fuels Platform, representing the European shipowners and the fuel suppliers, stresses the urgency of developing a European supply chain for clean shipping fuels. An estimated €40 billion in annual investments required for European shipping alone up to 2050 according to the Draghi...


Completion of project for zero CO₂ emissions on sea transport

It has been five years since the initial collaboration between Istia Aigaiou, a Social Cooperative Enterprise, and Dock, two organizations in the Social and Solidarity Economy, who joined forces to bring to life their vision of zero CO₂ emissions in transport across the Aegean. The climate crisis,...


UN Shipping Body Must Agree Ambitious New Action to Cut Climate-Heating Shipping Emissions

As this week’s crucial International Maritime Organization (IMO) meeting on the reduction of climate heating emissions from the shipping sector (Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships, ISWG-GHG 18) begins, the Clean Shipping Coalition called for the...


Can shipping companies hold and use aviation EUA’s to satisfy their obligations under the EU ETS?

Following the extension of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) to maritime transport from 1 January 2024, this year will be the first year that shipping companies must surrender allowances covering emissions in 2024. Each shipping company is assigned to the administering authority of an EU Member...
