USS Wasp Sailor Dies From COVID-19 Complications

An MH-60R Seahawk Helicopter, attached to Helicopter Marine Strike Squadron (HSM) 46, prepares to lower a dipping sonar transducer during anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training with the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD-1) on Sept. 12, 2020. US Navy Photo

A sailor assigned to an amphibious warship based in Norfolk, Va., died on Friday from complications related to COVID-19, Expeditionary Strike Group 2 announced on Friday.

The sailor, assigned to USS Wasp (LHD-1), was hospitalized on Jan. 17...

Navy Boot Camp Instructor Dies From COVID-19 Complications; 5 Sailors Dead Related to Virus

Chief Quartermaster Herbert Rojas. US Navy Photo

An instructor at the Navy’s recruit training command in Great Lakes Ill., has died from complications related to the COVID-19 virus, the service announced on Friday.

Chief Quartermaster Herbert Rojas, 50, died on Tuesday in his quarters, where he had been quarantining since Jan. 27, training command spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Phillip Chitty told USNI News.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and shipmate Chief Rojas, and we will continue...

Navy Submariner Dies of COVID-19 Complications After Hospitalization in NAS Jacksonville

The Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Tennessee (SSBN 734) (Blue) returns to its homeport at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Ga., on Oct. 17, 2018, following a strategic deterrent patrol. The boat is one of five ballistic-missile submarines stationed at the base and is capable of carrying up to 20 submarine-launched ballistic missiles with multiple warheads. US Navy photo.

A submariner died today of complications from a COVID-19 infection, the Navy announced.

The sailor, who the service...

Pentagon Says Shipbuilding Money Routed to Border Barrier Was Early to Need, Shipyard Disagrees

Amphibious assault ship Tripoli (LHA-7) sails the Gulf of Mexico during builder’s trials held in July 2019. HII Photo

THE PENTAGON — The Defense Department justified redirecting shipbuilding funds to pay for border barrier construction by saying the yards don’t currently have the capacity to spend the money, a Pentagon spokesman told reporters. At least one shipbuilder disagrees.

Last week, the Department of Defense unveiled a plan to reroute $1.5 billion from two major shipbuilding programs and...

Pentagon Confirms Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead on Ballistic Missile Sub

Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Tennessee (SSBN-734) gold crew returns to its homeport at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, following a strategic deterrence patrol on Jan. 11, 2020. US Navy Photo

The Pentagon acknowledged Tuesday it had deployed at least one low-yield nuclear warhead on a U.S. Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine.

Last week, The Federation of American Scientists published a report detailing their belief Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine USS Tennessee...