China Will Increase Pressure on Taiwan in Next Two Years Rather Than Invade, Says Pentagon Official

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin H. Kahl holds a press briefing about the latest security assistance package in support of Ukraine at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., Aug. 24, 2022. DoD Photo

The Pentagon’s top civilian for policy does not think China is likely to attack Taiwan in the next two years, although he expects Beijing to ratchet up pressure on Tapei as Xi Jinping continues to expand his military’s capabilities for a possible amphibious invasion.

The Chinese response to...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Sept. 26, 2022

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of Sept. 26, 2022, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Ships Underway

Total Battle Force DeployedUnderway
(USS 242, USNS 58)
*as of Sept. 21, 2022 per NVR
(USS 69, USNS 36)
(60 Deployed, 22 Local)


USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Sept. 19, 2022

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of Sept. 19, 2022, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Ships Underway

Total Battle Force DeployedUnderway
(USS 241, USNS 58)
*as of Sept. 14, 2022
(USS 70, USNS 36)
(49 Deployed, 22 Local)

Ships Deployed by...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Sept. 12, 2022

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of Sept. 12, 2022, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Ships Underway

Total Battle Force DeployedUnderway
(USS 241, USNS 58)
(USS 71, USNS 36)
(44 Deployed, 22 Local)

Ships Deployed by Fleet

2nd Fleet3rd...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Sept. 8, 2022

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of Sept. 8, 2022, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Ships Underway

Total Battle Force DeployedUnderway
(USS 241, USNS 58)
(USS 75, USNS 36)
(47 Deployed, 21 Local)

Ships Deployed by Fleet

2nd Fleet3rd...

USS Tripoli Arrives in Singapore as Chinese Warships Continue to Operate Near Japan

Marines assigned to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) board an MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 262 (Reinforced) operating from amphibious assault carrier USS Tripoli (LHA-7) on Aug. 12, 2022. US Navy Photo

Amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli (LHA-7) is now docked in Singapore for a port call, having arrived at Changi Naval Base on Wednesday following an underway in the South China Sea.

Tripoli‘s stop in Singapore marks its first port...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Aug. 29, 2022

USNI News Image

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of Aug. 29, 2022, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Ships Underway

Total Battle Force DeployedUnderway
(USS 241, USNS 58)
(USS 78, USNS 37)
(52 Deployed, 13Local)

Ships Deployed by Fleet

2nd Fleet3rd Fleet4...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Aug. 22, 2022

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of Aug. 22, 2022, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Ships Underway

Total Battle Force DeployedUnderway
(USS 242, USNS 58)
(USS 75, USNS 37)
(52 Deployed, 22 Local)

Ships Deployed by Fleet

2nd Fleet3rd...

China’s Navy Could Have 5 Aircraft Carriers, 10 Ballistic Missile Subs by 2030 Says CSBA Report

People’s Liberation Army Navy aircraft carrier Shandong berths at a naval port in Sanya, China. PLAN Photo

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy possesses the resources to field up to five aircraft carriers and 10 nuclear ballistic missile submarines by 2030, according to a new think tank report on Beijing’s ongoing military expansion.

Using the its computer assisted Strategic Choices Tool, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment’s study, “China’s Choices,” found, “the PLA has the...

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Aug. 15, 2022

USNI News Graphic

These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of Aug. 15, 2022, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

Ships Underway

Total Battle Force DeployedUnderway
(USS 242, USNS 58)
(USS 75, USNS 36)
(73 Deployed, 21 Local)

Ships Deployed by Fleet

2nd Fleet3rd...