No new coronavirus cases; Shot in the arm for vaccination campaign… plus more

No new coronavirus cases; Shot in the arm for vaccination campaign… plus more


Good Morning Monaco – Monday, March 22, 2021

Monaco records no new cases on Sunday

No new cases of coronavirus among residents were reported on Sunday, the first day without new cases since December 13 last year.

Shot in the arm for Monaco’s vaccination program A total of 1,150 Monaco residents received a coronavirus jab during the seven days to Thursday, March 18, marking a turnaround in the Principality’s...

INTERCARGO affirms leadership role in representing dry bulk shipping

INTERCARGO affirms leadership role in representing dry bulk shipping

Top row: D. Monioudis, E. Wroe, M. Dalakouras, D. Kriezis, P. Mariodes and G. Gourdomichalis; Main frame: D.J. Fafalios, K. Gkonis, S. Tarasis, J. Pillai, R. Bermeho and . Keenan

INTERCARGO re-iterated its commitment to a safe, efficient, high quality and environmentally sound dry bulk shipping industry at its semi-annual meetings which were held last week. The Executive Committee and the Technical Committee convened over two...

Private sector’s retreat from infrastructure jeopardises rebound, Spanish Covid-19 recovery

Private sector’s retreat from infrastructure jeopardises rebound, Spanish Covid-19 recovery

Monday 1 March 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.9.1

Commentary: Private sector’s retreat from infrastructure jeopardises rebound

By Makhtar Diop in Washington

In the first half of 2020, private sector investment in developing countries dropped by an unprecedented 56% from the same period in 2019. Like many other sectors, infrastructure was brought to a near standstill by Covid-19. However, the private sector’s retreat...

US payments infrastructure perpetuates financial exclusion, Steps towards an effective economic recovery

US payments infrastructure perpetuates financial exclusion, Steps towards an effective economic recovery

Monday 15 February 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.7.1

Commentary: US payments infrastructure perpetuates financial exclusion

By Pierre Ortlieb and Bhavin Patel in London

US institutions have taken divergent, and often contradictory, approaches to upgrading payments platforms. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has approved the use of blockchain solutions by banks, while the Fed is developing...

Maritime Transportation Sub-committee Meeting Highlights Vaccinating Port Workers

A meeting of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Sub-committee saw the issues of stevedores as key workers for vaccinations, queues of containerships on the US West Coast, and the country’s shipyards in focus, reports SeaTrade Maritime News.

Meeting of the 117th Congress

In the ongoing season of political debuts, the sub-committee within the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, of the US House of Representatives, held its first meeting of the newly inaugurated 117th Congre...

The Need To Classifying Seafarers As ‘Key Workers’

It’s become something of a matter for debate, as people jostle for a place in the pecking order for Covid tests, vaccines, privileged medical treatment and freedom from the various prohibitions that prevent us from doing what we once did, repots SeaTrade Maritime News.

Whom to prioritize ?

There is already a long list of “key” workers, whose occupations are deemed to be absolutely essential to the public good and an even longer list of aspirants to this title. It must be an unenviable task to...

More tests, more cases, more jabs…

More tests, more cases, more jabs…


Good Morning Monaco – Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Government calls for all to be tested
Reacting to an upsurge in the number of residents testing positive for coronavirus in recent days, the Government on Tuesday called for more people to come forward for testing in the face of the fact that the virus is circulating more widely. 

30 new cases in 24 hours
 Thirty new cases of coronavirus among residents were reported in Monaco on Tuesday, January 5.
